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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Superb. Thanks for posting that, KG.
You’re welcome, GW. She really brings it home, doesn’t she.
‘There is always a bigger picture. In the case of the latest horrific US mass shooting, the bigger picture is this:
There are around 310 million non-military firearms in the US, basically enough to equip every man, woman and child with a deadly weapon. Close to 5.5 million new firearms are produced within the US every single year – two million more than the entire amount of firearms owned by Australians. Another three million firearms are imported to the US annually. Nearly 50 per cent of Americans have at least one firearm in their house. The market for firearms has increased constantly since the election of Barack Obama in 2008, with Smith & Wesson expecting almost $400 million in gun sales during 2012.
And the rate of firearm-related murders keeps falling.’
I am angry,sick,sad and depressed by all of this.
Angry at the media circus,so bad that state troopers have been posted at the victims family homes and police are on patrol to keep prying
journalistsratings whores away from them.Sick because we are a society so far removed from our principles that something like this killing can even occur.
Sad because of so many innocents sacrificed because of a false sense of security in so many “gun free zones”
Depressed because I know that an executive order will most likely be signed by Obama for some sort of confiscatory ban that will do no good,only harm and very well could push us over the brink to civil war.
Oh,and the media has been burying stories again-
“..People do kill people and the only way to stop people from killing people is by killing them first. To a utopian this is a moral paradox that invalidates everything, but to everyone else, it’s just life in a world where evil is a reality, not just a word…”
Daniel Greenfield
Love the last slide: “Don’t fire until you see the blue of their helmets”
I wonder how long it will be before that goes from a semi-gest to a rallying cry?
Oh, and although Australia (now) has far more restrictive gun laws than the US, I see there was a mass shooting in Tasmania over the weekend.
Fella broke into a house and shot a man & a woman. didn’t hurt the 9YO girl, who called 000. Murderer took a 1YO baby (he is the father, the woman he murdered is the mother). Police found him later with a gunshot wound to the head (baby was OK). Murderer is listed as in a critical condition in Royal Hobart.
Guns don’t kill people, love triangles with deranged lunatics kill people.
But, just like the road toll, politicians want to be seen to be doing something, even if they know perfectly well that that “something” will be utterly useless.
Here’s an interesting statistic you’ll never see in the MSM:
YES! You ought to put that poster up, Gantt.