‘…the percentage of deaths that were gun-related in 2011 does not even equal half of one percent of the 2,513,171 overall deaths for that year.
And if you really want to see how exaggerated the current anti-“assault rifle” rhetoric is, just look at 2011 numbers for the percentage of rifle-related deaths.
That figure is .012 percent of the overall deaths in America in 2011.
Meanwhile, the percentage of overall deaths that were the result of falling off things like rocks and ladders was 1 percent, or nearly three times the percentage of deaths that were gun-related: 26,631 versus 8,583.
Gun-related deaths represented only .34 percent of all deaths in America 2011. If the left wants us to feel safer, maybe they need to start banning ladders instead of guns.’ Breitbart
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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And to those people who start conversations with “if it saves just one child’s life…” I say this:
NO. No, it isn’t. One child’s life is not worth giving up a freedom for. Hundreds of thousands died in the name of freedom and to make their kids safe.
For the “one child’s life” argument to have any validity, those who use it must be willing to ban cars, swimming pools and all the other things which cost astronomically more children’s lives.
They’re either fools, cynical power-mongers or idiot sentimentalists.
Just save one child huh? Abortion accounted for the deaths of 333,964 infants killed last year in the United States. That is 16,698 times the number of children murdered at Newtown. The left is swimming in the blood of children and they don’t even know it.
“The left is swimming in the blood of children and they don’t even know it.”
Oh,they know it William,they in fact revel in it and proudly proclaim it as a right!
But their day is coming,sooner or later the icy fingers of death will latch on to them and drag them to judgement,the same as it did Hitler and the same as it did Stalin and they will be judged not by God,but by the ones who they sent to death.
Right you are!
How many babies were aborted last year at taxpayer expense by the neo-Communist Planned Parenthood in Americans? Millions….?
And how many pre-born Americans murdered since 1973, when a degenerate old Leftist Supreme Court “discovered” a “right” for a woman to murder her children in the womb by seeing a “penumbra” in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that only he could see? 20 million? 30 million? 40 million?
Yes, the New Left Communists have mucho, MUCHO blood on there hands, and if on some fine summer day some of them meet Judge Lynch and swing from a lamp post by neck until they are dead, I don’t want hear any bitch’n about their fate.
The real deal with the Second Amendment: “A heavily armed citizenry is not about armed revolt; it is about defending oneself against armed government oppression.”
Now where did I hear that wise statement?
BTW, it clear that the Second Amendment is all about having a “militia” (all honest citizens) armed in order to overthrow a tyranny.
Other concerns such as self defense, hunting and target practice are clearly secondary.
Therefore, the Obama Regime and its more than willing lackey traitors in the Media are endlessly repeating propaganda designed to enable the imposition of a Communist government over the USA by the disarming the counter revolution.
Commented on Slate today that, if you really want to address gun homicides, the starting point is with the fact (per FBI stats) that blacks, accounting for 13% of our population, commit over 50% of the gun homicides. I was surprised to find that I was a racist idiot who should return to the hole from whence I came. Apparently, facts are racist and stupid. Who knew?
Heh! “racist” is the term used by leftists when they have no effective counter-argument.
But it’s getting less effective, as people refuse to be cowed by it.
We’ll continue to tell the truth here as best we can, and to hell with the PC pieties and the attempts by the left to dictate the terms of the debate.
Fox news, this morning:
“If there’s even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try,” said Obama, joined at the White House by four children who wrote to the president following the Newtown, Conn., tragedy.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/16/obama-gun-plan-meets-resistance-on-capitol-hill/#ixzz2IBMqvIEZ
You lying, hypocritical traitorous prick.
Got to love it! The racist prick who calls himself the POTUS has had his balls squeezed. His 23 point plan on gun control is such a wet blanket. Apparently his highness is so pissed off that could barely mutter the announcement coherently as even the Senate (ie Reid) told him he could not make executive orders that altered the constitution.
NRA – 1, Obama – 0
They’re still playing the long game, mawm. Today they get universal background checks and bans on auto’s and a 10-round limit on mags. Tomorrow they go the NZ/AUS route and introduce a licencing regime. The next day, they’re Britain, where you get arrested for pointing your finger in a pistol-like manner.
And, they’re looking to turn doctors into government spies.
Every act and action of this government is a step in a long journey.
The’ll never give up. I know that.
BTW our health care system spies on people – every female patient gets asked about domestic violenece, and each and every patient is asked about smoking and gets cessation advice if a smoker. The DHB’s have to document compliance….and it has to be 100%.
I tried to turn off the GPS positioning signal on my cellphone, and it only allows it to be turned off for 12 or 24 hours. Already in the U.S. that information is being used bu State and Federal governments to “track traffic flows”. So I’ve put the SIM card in a different ‘phone, one which allows the tracking to be turned off.
“Traffic flows”, eh…yeah, right.
Hooray for socialised/socialist medical care in the post-apocalytpic, post-Klarkenfuhrer world of the Cuba of the South Pacific!
The clipboard-carrier to healer ratio must be extraordinary, mawm!
“Every act and action of this government is a step in a long journey.”
Exactly. The Long March. Incrementalism.
This is no victory. It’s merely Obama testing the enemy’s strength and resolve -“counting the guns” so to speak – and taking whatever gains are on offer.
There can be no victory in a fight that never ends. I’m not wording this correctly, but it seems to me they simply can’t lose.
If they try something and fail, it’s fine by them they’ll just come back and try again another day. ObamaCare? Carter tried it, so did Clinton. They lost on those days, but won eventually. Gun Control? They won’t get confiscation immediately, but they’ll take what they can get.
That’s why *any* accommodation or compromise with them is defeat for us.
Yes indeed. Unless and until conservatives can take the fight to the left and force them into reactive mode, we’ll continue to lose.
Drastic. brave and uncompromising action is needed. Words are no longer enough.
Not war, necessarily, but boycotts, go-slows and lawfare.
The GOP is useless as a banner for this kind of action so it’ll fall to something like the Tea Party and some wealthy backers (for independent media coverage).
The NRA is getting into it and their membership is increasing dramatically.
Let’s hope they use some of that cashflow to employ some damn good lawyers, Mawm.
The left has opened a can of worms on this and don’t fully know it yet.
They wanted guns off the street especially the dreaded “assault rifles”-real result,record gun sales of all types-failure.
They wanted to destroy the NRA-The NRA gained 250,000 new members-failure.
They wanted executive order bans on weapons-failure.
There is a shortage of ammo right now-for the cops and government-failure
They wanted to curtail the rights of the states to make their own gun regs-the states are making law.Conservative states are passing laws to block the feds from enforcing new gun laws,and liberal states like New York are passing new gun laws that are going to drive gun mfgs and dealers out of state causing the loss of jobs.-failure.
They wanted a whole raft of executive orders-they got them-completely ineffective and a repeat of existing laws already on the books-failure.
We won this battle hands down,but it’s not the end of the war.We need to keep the fight going and push back,we need to do everything we can to keep them on their heels.I told somebody today that I do not want anyone to harm a single hair on Obama’s head.No,real complete victory would be for Obama to have that Hitler in the bunker moment and kill himself.
“..real complete victory would be for Obama to have that Hitler in the bunker moment and kill himself.”
Pelosi could play Eva Braun.
The scary part is in congress there is actually a woman?That is both uglier and further to the left than Pelosi
Where has our troll gone? I quite miss the amusement value the frothing wee turd affords us.
WHY does Fox give that piece of crap Juan Williams a platform??
That outdated concept of “fair and balanced” that’s why.The other side is neither fair nor balanced so why should we be?
We should be accurate and reasoned,but never fair or balanced IMHO.
Too bloody right.
“Mr Abbott said only 10 per cent of air cargo was being screened because of cutbacks, which was significantly down on the checking under the Howard government.”
“Mr Abbott said only 10 per cent of air cargo was being screened because of cutbacks, which was significantly down on the checking under the Howard government.”
OT, sorry.
Anyone seen Gates of Vienna recently? From where I look (UK) it seems currently to have been taken down.
I’ll go take a look, Yokel. Thanks for the tip.
“Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at gatesofvienna.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.”
A lot of people have been trying to get it taken down, for a long time now. Bloody Blogspot (google) has a history of caving in to the islamists.
All I can find is this weird reference:
and this:
From a comment at Vlad Tepe’s blog:
“Blogger and youtube are both google. Back up your site often. They can indeed wipe you out.”
On Facebook, Dymphna says Blogger has pulled GOV, they’re not sure what the reason is and the Baron is on the case.
I’m wondering …
The Mail did a hit piece on Gavin Boby (Mosquebuster) the other day. Gates had written an encouraging piece about him four days earlier.
A search for ” site:gatesofvienna.blogspot.com 2013 ” on giggle.com still produces cached versions of this year’s posts.
Could somebody correct my a href syntax, please. And can we have a preview to stop similar embarrassments, PLEASE.
Working on it, Yokel. But I know almost nothing about the WordPress engine room and I’m looking for paid help to fix a few things.
Sorry about that.
Another angle being exploited by the Empty Suit gungrabbers focuses on statistics linking suicide-by-gun to the presence of a firearm in the home.
Personally I see merit in the NZ system which requires firearm licence applicants to have their backgrounds checked by personal interviews with spouses and referees. It’s not infallible of course, but in one instance I believe it stopped one individual getting a gun licence who was such a loose unit that he was probably going to either shoot someone or top himself.
Flash, I agree the NZ system is probably about as good as can be hoped for, and certainly MUCH better than ours in Australia.
The tiny number of offences committed by licenced gun owners ought to be evidence enough that the system’s working, but the gunphobics aren’t interested in evidence – they want emotional relief.
Agreed 100% mate.
Mail just in:
On 2013-01-17, at 6:57 AM, xxx xxxx wrote:
Hi, Guys,
Gates of Vienna is down and at this point in time it is not known whether this is simply a Blogger technical hitch, a Blogger deliberate take down or if it is a Hack. I would be grateful if you could spread the word so as to keep this issue as high profile as possible whilst the cause is being determined and remedial action taken. A lot depends upon how this issue is resolved and it is not simply a case of whether or not GoV survives, although I personally consider that site vitally important, but whether or not this is a precursor to a wider effort to censor the Counter Jihad.
You will find more information here…
…and here…
…and here…
(no direct link to the article itself and you will have to scroll down but it will be worth it as it contains a Twitter feed.)
Wonder what you make of this? – John Howard speaks out on gun control
What I make of this, sallyco, is that I’m not the slightest bit interested in what any person who authorizes grabbing guns off law-abiding people has to say.
That makes him an enemy of liberty as far as I’m concerned.
(welcome, by the way. )
My $0.02:
(1) Howard is a politician. And no politician will ever admit the real reason for the existence of the 2nd Amendment, because no politician will ever admit that a government in a modern, western democracy could ever become tyrannical. I wonder how many Germans in 1936 could have imagined what was to come over the following decade?
(2) Howard is a liar. He says “…there is a wide consensus that our 1996 reforms not only reduced the gun-related homicide rate, but also the suicide rate.” That is patently untrue. All categories of violent crime have increased substantially since the 1996 disarming.
(3) the Australian Constitution is vastly different from the US one. The Australian Constitution is primarily administrative, articulating what powers the federal government and the states will divide amongst themselves. The US one is a declaration by the People those powers they temporarily delegate to the government. The US Constitution is the Constitution of a free people establishing a limited governmental authority. The Australian one is a declaration by governments setting out how they will divide their divine power between themselves. And don’t even get me started on New Zealand!
Nicely put!
Thanks GG for your reply as I have been out of the loop for the past two months…so many things to catch up on.
What annoys me the most is that they are targeting the law abiding. The people in most need of protection.
Can any gun law maker guarantee that:
-Gun buy backs will remove guns from criminal hands?
-Tyranical governments can never happen?
-That would be gun using criminals would stop at breaking new gun laws unlike old laws?
-That when violence occurs that there will always be a police office on hand?
Untill a law maker can answer these questions with an undeniable YES then they need to change their focus from laws to hard reality.
My solution for the newtown massacre is to make firearms training and concealed weapons permits available to all teachers should they so desire to become a “school marshall”.
Just one trained teacher with a handgun would of saved childrens lives at Newtown, even better the knowledge that there could be one at that school would of been a huge deterent because criminals like to target the most vulnerable.
Just like at that Norway massacre.
You’re talking common sense, Rick. That will never do!