Rush Limbaugh on his radio show discussed an article which stated that there is no respected voice in the national arena articulating conservatism. Such an advocate for conservatism is crucial to reversing the direction of America as Obama drives us toward socialism while low-info voters gleefully sing Kumbaya in the backseat.
Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but we had an extraordinary advocate for conservatism, and look what happened to her. Judas on our side betrayed her — sold her reputation for 30 seconds of fame and favor with the media…’ Lloyd Marcus
The real lesson, of course, is that the GOP is every bit as hostile to (and afraid of) true conservatives as the Democrats are. The RNC is perfectly happy to have the Dems and their media propagandists set the terms of the debate because those terms suit the RNC just fine.
Time for a real conservative party or a drastic cleaning out of Republican incumbents.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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It would appear that the people calling the shots for the Republican Party – the RINO elite – are Big Government Nationalists who are more often than not the supporters of the Big Government Socialists.
What’s the difference?
The Big Government Nationalist RINOs stand for a big military with the role of world policeman as the planet’s only superpower.
The Big Government Socialists stand for the complete domination of the Homeland as the first goal. Then what? “Today America, tomorrow the world?”
So what we have running the show on the highest level of federal government are the National Socialists….This sounds familiar, somehow, and very bad for us little Hobbits who want to live fat, dumb and happy in our Shire.
“So what we have running the show on the highest level of federal government are the National Socialists….This sounds familiar, somehow….”
It sure does!
Just as in Britain. Cameron has moved the Conservative Party so far to the left I find it unbelievable that so few have noticed. He did it all under the pretext of “modernising” the Party, and “detoxification” after another member had called it “the nasty party”. All three parties are now well to the left of what was the Labour Party’s stance in the ’60s and ’70s. One of the few truths to come out of George Galloway’s mouth is his comment that “Labour and Conservative are just cheeks of the same arse”.
Anyone to the right of this new consensus is immediately tarred as “far right” and open to all sorts of State intimidation tactics such as malicious arrest (EDL members recently in Devon), foster children removed (UKIP members in Rotherham) and who knows what else that hasn’t hit the press yet.
As the Church of England is the Established Church, there is much state pressure on individuals who are standing up for the orthodox teachings of the church on marriage and women in leadership. Cameron has told the Church to “get with the programme”. Sadly, in the end the C of E will concede, for we are told that in the end of days there will be a one world religion, as well as a one world government. That is until the Messiah returns in glory and power. By which time, many will alas have made the wrong decisions.
Energy debate between Palin and Obama-Obama lost!