‘A MUSEUM dedicated to Sydney’s gay and lesbian history is as important as institutions that preserve Jewish history and Australia’s military past, says a leading broadcaster and gay rights activist.
‘’I’d compare it to the Australian War Memorial,’’ said Julie McCrossin.
Via Andrew Bolt
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Words fail me!
A dike with an over-inflated sense of importance. It is truly despicable that this creature can assert that a museum of and for deviants can actually rank beside the war dead.
Imagine the promotional bumper stickers………….”Bend over and I’ll drive you home”
See me at the Gay and Lesbian, Transsexual, Bisexual, Transgender museum! All jokes aside, sexuality does not define you. Why gay people have to express themselves abnormally is beyond me. If a bloke wants to screw blokes, why does he have to act like a girl? If a dyke wants to screw dykes why does she have to dress and act like a man and go hairylegged? I’m pretty tolerant but I can’t stand the whole flamboyant, effeminate or butch bullshit that goes with it.
“I’m pretty tolerant but I can’t stand the whole flamboyant, effeminate or butch bullshit that goes with it.”