‘Germany Weathers Darkest Winter in 43 Years‘
And these people would just love some “global warming”.
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I stuck up a solar hot water system just before Christmas and have had virtually free hot water until now – just the odd couple hours on the element. As days grow shorter it will be less efficient but my power bill has halved over this lovely summer despite the older stepaughter emptying the whole 360 lit HW cylinder on occasion in her darned long showers. I did it because I like being off the “system” as far as I can – its not all about payback times.
The difference between my view and the govt view is that I paid for it, no looking for a subsidy either, because I thought it looked good compared to other options that I was having to look at at the time.
The solar system we have here is bloody useless, Brown, despite having long sunshine hours and high temperatures. (38c and around 11 hours a day)
I dunno how much the Qld government spent on it, but given their record it wouldn’t have been cheap.
We still have to boil a jug in order to have decently hot water to do the dishes, and that’s after cranking the thermostat up to max. The incoming water to the system is very warm too, coming as it does from an artesian bore.
The fact is that global temperatures have been falling for over a decade – and now we are living thru some very cold winters.
This should seal the doom of the AGW environmentalist wacko wing of the International Socialist Party that calls the shots in the formerly Free World, but I suspect they will simply flip flop their position to say that man has caused global cooling – and the start of the New Ice Age.
This begs the question of how in the hell Man caused the last Ice Age of 11,500 years ago and at a time when the human race were pretty thin on the ground and had no industry.
But of course history, facts, logic and reason never stopped the evolution of a Leftist theory – I can just hear them saying in a few years – “Most scientists now say that AGW caused global cooling that created the New Ice Age.”
A prediction of sorts-
Two billion years from now when the Earth is nothing but a ring of debris orbiting a dying star a spacecraft from an advanced civilization charts it’s way across what was our home in the Milky Way.The commanding officer writes in his report:-“It would seem the only evidence we have that a civilization ever existed here is a sole surviving mass storage device from a primitive computer of sorts”
“Contained in it’s files are plans for wind turbines,solar panels and geothermal plants along with carbon trading schemes and some sort of strange dance known as the Harlem Shake”
“Judging by the evidence especially the last recorded on the device it is safe to say this species of humanoid died out after becoming to stupid to even reproduce”
Remember that cold is the normal the last 400.000 years.
If CO2 makes the difference (what I think it doesn’t) we can’t have enough of it.
If it is the Sun we could have a petit problem in the next years.
Never a one for conspiracy theory…but listening to AGW scientists,their political allies and commercial backers(Big Wind)still prat on while shoveling snow,with no sign of a backdown or a rethink from the political quarter…it leaves it the only alternative…as nothing else can explain the wanton disregard for Human life and standard of living, especially in light of the recent findings and developments…
it “SCREAMS OUT”…Agenda…
But depressingly… the sheeple will plod along,blindly accepting,hand out…to the day the lights go out.
Yes, exactly.
Germany is going to have *BIG* problems in the years to come, given that they are trying to phase out their nuclear power plants. Fools.
NOTHING beats nuclear power for getting huge energy output per acre/hectare of power-plant area. Nothing even comes *close*.
The problem is that they get dangerous when they run out of diesel.Nuclear power yes but safe !
Aren’t the Chinese building a new, safer version Robert?