How awful!

Shock poll over gay marriage bill
Public opposition to same-sex marriage has grown significantly since a law change to legalise it came before Parliament, a Herald DigiPoll survey shows.
Same-sex marriage campaigners blame scaremongering by religious groups for the increase in opposition, saying lobbying has intensified as the bill progresses through Parliament…’
A whole year of intense lobbying by the MSM has failed to produce the required result, it seems–except among the well-indoctrinated young. Below the fold is what a wedding looks like. All else is merely an arrangement between homosexuals which has borrowed traditional terminology.


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5 Responses to How awful!

  1. Octagongrappler says:

    Gee really… :mrgreen:

  2. George Romero says:

    Marriage is between a man and a woman and nothing is ever going to change that ,ok fags?Freddie Mercury’s The Great Pretender can be the homo’s walking down the aisle song :o

  3. KG says:

    I could have bought a nice rifle for the price of that suit…..but I got something much better.

  4. RWT says:

    No wonder we’re not hearing much about it anymore.

    I think they should have their own tradition, start something themselves, instead of muscling in on others and demanding to be accepted. After all, they pride themselves to be different, good for them, i have no problem with that and am happy to respect their tradition, whatever it is.

    I think what irritates people is the constant caterwauling from the gay lobby about persecution and whatever else when in most peoples view, they seem to be a protected species.

  5. KG says:

    Too right. Most people are happy to just live and let live, but that’s not enough for the activists.
    Their sexual preferences are the most important thing in their lives–their whole identity– and they just can’t bear the thought that most of us simply don’t give a stuff.