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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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In other news, I discovered when pulling the Marlin 30-30 apart that the trigger job I paid $120 for simply hadn’t been done.

Thieving bastards.
Anyway, I did it myself and now it breaks at about 1.5 lb, no creep.
And the gun shoots straight and true?
Now about that Yahoo who ripped you off for $120…
Seems to shoot ok, Ronbo but I won’t know for sure until the new sight arrives next week.
I’ll be having words about the rip-off when I go to Townsville next. I’d rather do it face-to-face than via ‘phone.
You spelt Dog wrong.
Nah, spelling’s fine – dogs don’t like bowls of milk. It has to be some species of cat.
Ideally both, I think, Elijah. Each teaches kids different things.
I had a dog that loved milk. So much for that theory.
Why would any boy want a dog when there’s a pussy around?
Is it a purring pussy?
After I’m done with it? Of course!

Good grief!! This now constitutes “peer review”!!
Carol-Christian Soldier
They are. Life without a pet of some kind just wouldn’t be the same.
I notice the media has had a shot at linking the Sandy Hook shooter with the NRA.

TVNZ repeated the lie the other night.
A nice FACTUAL rebuttal..
“The simple fact of the matter—easily verified by even the most junior cub reporter—is that classes offered by NRA-certified instructors are open to the public, and do not require an NRA membership.”
Thank you Bob Owens
I wish I’d come across his site four or five years earlier.
What a damn shame.
Just came across this http://vladtepesblog.com/?p=61409 and it reminded me of a post here at CR some months back.
(I chose to stop supporting the company for other reasons- now there’s no way in Hell they’ll get another cent from me)
Me neither. The boycott is about the only weapon we have.
I’m not sure what authority the guy has to make those sorts of pronouncements, Grappler.
But then, it might just be kite-flying.
It’s hard to think of a more stupid pronouncement, if the object is to prevent a run on the banks of Italy and Spain.
Meet Ralph:
The warning signs of a dictatorship:
We’re there already, Oswald.
Because we only have those liberties which our masters see fit to grant us, and a grant of liberty is no liberty at all.
“Of course our people are free. They’re free to do anything that is not expressly forbidden”.
Erich Honecker, East Germany.
And the truly frightening thing is, the vast majority of people would see nothing at all wrong with that statement.