Oh, really?

‘The Senate on Wednesday defeated a vital background check amendment seen as the linchpin to Democrats’ gun control bill, dealing a major setback to President Obama — who lashed out at opponents in unusually blunt terms during remarks from the Rose Garden.
“All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington,” Obama said, accusing the gun lobby of lying about the bill. …’
“Shameful”? Not half as shameful as the day an undocumented, ineligible individual with a communist mentor and convicted terrorist friends moved into the White House.
“….SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED..”  Got it, yet?

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24 Responses to Oh, really?

  1. Elijah says:

    I know it’s too early for it but I hoisted a scotch when I heard this on the radio this morning.

  2. KG says:

    :lol: Of course, Obama always knew he didn’t have the numbers–but it’s a great opportunity to paint the gun lobby as intransigent and unreasonable. His rage is entirely confected.
    For my money, anybody who opposes any infringement of Constitutional rights ought to be intransigent. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Obama’s tantrum was disgusting. That the President of the US would whine like a spoiled 2-year-old is embarrassing http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif. Using the parents of the murdered school kids was the crassest of politics. To top it off, while accusing the gun lobby of lying, he dropped several falsehoods.

    The man (and I use the term loosely) is an oxygen thief.

  4. Findalis says:

    Epic Fail! Poor Obama! He promised the Newtown families and the Gifford Bitch that this would pass. Now he has egg on his face.


  5. KG says:

    ‘Since at least January, Obama has been pushing this issue, aiming squarely at boosting turnout among gun-averse, liberal-leaning suburban women.’


    If not for women and blacks, this POS would never have made it to the White House.

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Watch for an Executive Order in 3…2…1…

  7. KG says:

    It’ll be interesting. Would you trust Boehner et al to repeal any regulations made that way, should the Repubs win next time around?
    I wouldn’t.
    What powers this gang has grabbed, the Repubs will keep.

  8. KG says:

    From Drudge:



    Bloomberg RAGES…

    Feinstein Fumes…

    Biden Wipes Away Tears…

    Cuomo Complains…

    Reid Mocks: ‘Imagined Tyranny’…

    GALLUP: Only 4% of Americans Think Gun Control Important Problem…

  9. KG says:

    McCain Votes for Assault Weapons Ban

  10. KG says:

    Quite. I guess it wasn’t really “news”, was it?

    • Darin says:

      His district is stuffed full of aged northeast Demorat snow bird retirees.What the cold hasn’t frozen the sun has baked.They are all nuts,but he has pissed them off recently on Immigration ref………excuse me “Undocumented voter amnesty”

  11. WebWrat says:

    Eight 2nd Amendment posters that illustrate the fallacy of the Left’s arguments!


  12. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!HolyShitosky!!! Diplomatic “Erupting Volcano de la Passion” Pouch has axd yours veryily truly 2 pass this upcoming Harvard Lecture date to her friends in their 56-57th Steaks. BTW* This revolving topic is: Gun Control – Embrace debate: Should Gun Control B hands on? Harvard Intellualists Dr. Talliaferro “Tally” Whacker, PhD DMD, LLD, DDS, Jesse “Love Train” Jackson, BS, BS et BS, Al “Love yo’sef 2 def”** Sharpton, MFR, and many other well known hands on expertz shall B at hand. Should the weathermen call 4 sunny skies, Black “Jackofften” Berry and Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton may miraculously appear. Evolving intentions post discussion @ Bar de Sol, Level 666, Underground Kompound tentavilyular include a circulular spacktacular featuring dance group PPI*** OOps must discharge a voicemail from Diplomatic Pouch gotta go yvt HarvardPotatoHead

    *BTW-By D Way
    **aka – Travon LuvOn
    PPI – Pud PopperZ International – UN African delegates

  13. Contempt says:

    What’d he say? What in hell did he say??

    Harvard obviously needs new meds or perhaps we could prepare a body snatching to get him out of his rut although he seems to enjoy his duties much more than some years back.

    If the rest of BlackBerry’s admin is similar to Harvard, we B N trouble. 10-4

  14. KG says:

    :grin: It looks like gibberish at first sight, Contempt, but for those with the Soopersecret Decoder Ring, it’s valuable insider information.
    The man’s reporting direct from the belly of the Beast, protected only by anonymity and a gallon jug of Jack Daniels and we expect him to either be terminated at any moment or to elope with Michelle–or both.