America’s very own Gestapo

‘..Where was the DHS at the Boston Marathon bombing? Where have they been when it comes to protecting American lives? Nowhere. Why? Because with their billion rounds of Geneva Convention banned hollow point bullets, they are not targeting terrorists, but American citizens, domestic indigenous peoples, US. They do not have to comply with the Geneva Convention if they use the ammunition on us. Get it?….’                    source

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10 Responses to America’s very own Gestapo

  1. Contempt says:

    Should we all stop carrying black bags now?

    • Ronbo says:

      No, we should all be carrying .45 Colt Automatic Pistol loaded with eight rounds of hollow point ammunition strapped on our belts at all times.

      Then dare the chicken shits of DHS to try to disarm us.

      We are many…

      They are a few well paid cowards who would shit their pants at the thought of millions of REAL men boldly walking down the street.

      …and we can protect ourselves…from any threat, foreign or domestic.

  2. Contempt says:

    o/t The difference between the Supreme Court and the Ku Klux Klan is that the members of the Supreme Court dress in black robes and scare white people.

      • Ronbo says:

        The U.S. Supreme Court is NOT the finally word on what’s “constitutional” and what isn’t – We The People are the final JUDGE – The black robed rebels of the U.S. Supreme Court seized control of the U.S. Constitution in the “Marbury v. Madison” coup of 1803 – the so-called “right” to review laws.

        If we had a Republican president with BALLS again like Lincoln, the El Supremes would keep a very low profile because he made it clear he would arrest them for TREASON if they found his civil war legislation “unconstitutional.”

        One of my favorite American history stories was the one where the Supremes locked horns with President Andrew Jackson, a very tough customer and military hero who said, “Chief Justice Marshal made his law, how let’s see him enforce it, because I sure the hell won’t!”

        • KG says:

          I love that quote, Ronbo. It’s a bit like “how many divisions does the Pope have?”

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Same damned democrats!

  3. Darin says:

    Thanks for that Contempt,I needed a good laugh! :mrgreen: