Lefty enlightenment is it really possible? Only if it hurts.

Two articles caught my eye this week. One is about the Unions here who pushed hard to get Obamacare passed. Now they want it repealed since the full gravity of the damage they will suffer from it has become evident.


“But regrettably, our concerns over certain provisions in the ACA have not been addressed, or in some instances, totally ignored. In the rush to achieve its passage, many of the Act’s provisions were not fully conceived, resulting in unintended consequences that are inconsistent with the promise that those who were satisfied with their employer sponsored coverage could keep it.”

So lefties,you found out that if you” like your healthcare coverage you can keep it” was just another lie told by your Messiah? Say it ain’t so?

The other is about a Feminist who now realises title IX was a bad idea, after her son was caught up in a title IX nightmare.


“The frightening answer is that like the proverbial 800-pound gorilla, the tribunal does pretty much whatever it wants, showing scant regard for fundamental fairness, due process of law, and the well-established rules and procedures that have evolved under the Constitution for citizens’ protection. Who knew that American college students are required to surrender the Bill of Rights at the campus gates?”

Who knew? Well we conservatives did when title IX went through way back, but like everything else you on the left didn’t listen.

So reading those I believe we see again that lefty liberals are just like the stubborn children we know they are. No matter how many times they are told not to touch the stove they know better and do it anyway then cry about it when they get burned.

Let me be the first to say we told you so

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8 Responses to Lefty enlightenment is it really possible? Only if it hurts.

  1. KG says:

    It’s fun watching the brats learn their lessons. Problem is, everybody else suffers in the process.

  2. KG says:

    I just read the WSJ article and it’s left me not knowing whether to laugh or wish Ms. Grossman would meet with a nasty accident.
    Feminist bitches like her are utterly indifferent to the damage and injustice to men that the policies they’ve campaigned for cause–until those policies impact them personally.
    Had it not been her son, she’d have simply shrugged and dismissed the injustice as collateral damage in the gender war.
    Fuck her and her kind. They lack the basic integrity and intelligence to realise that there will always be unintended consequences where social engineering is concerned and they’ve been (and still are) utterly indifferent to the trail of wrecked male lives their stinking, self-absorbed childish view of the world has caused.
    I’m not laughing–I hope the cunt contracts typhoid. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      Actually I am. May she be the first in a long line to suffer the consequences of her misandry.

  3. MvL says:

    Some of the comments on her article are priceless….
    Judith, we are all aghast that you have put your abysmal ignorance on display. Welcome to the world you’ve passionately voted for and worked to create. The rest of us having been burning in the fiery hell on earth you liberals have created for most of our lives. How dare you whine when your son is snared in your own trap. You are almost as big a hypocrite as Barack himself!
    Reap what you sow.
    “Who knew that American college students are required to surrender the Bill of Rights at the campus gates?”
    Really, Judith? You’re just NOW figuring this out? This has been the case for 40 years thanks to the efforts of people like you. Thanks a lot. Idiot.

    All nicely expressed, and there are 1101 of them :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Damn right, MvL. Although there was a clown in those comments who bemoaned the hostile comments and bleated that they were missing the opportunity to welcome a convert……

      I’ve not forgotten the female head of a female college blithely dismissing false allegations of rape as a “good learning experience” for the young men whose lives were ruined by them.

      • Darin says:

        Yep all these arseholes who talk about social justice,where is the justice when these false accusations are proven false?

        One of the biggest faults we have here in the US is that perjury is almost never punished.

        • Ronbo says:

          So the Unionists are unhappy with their American Lenin and his Obamacare! :mrgreen:

          WHAT THE HELL DID THEY EXPECT??? :evil:

          There is nothing new under the sun – Jack Reed, the Leftist American journalist who covered, rooted for and supported the Communist takeover of Russia in 1917, had fallen out of love with Lenin and his party in about a year when he noticed the Red Terror was sweeping up his friends.

          He died in Moscow in 1919 – a victim of socialized medicine.

          Again, what the hell did Reed and the other American Leftists in Moscow expect of the Russian Communists, except for them to murder anyone who disagreed with them? :twisted:

          A wolf – by any name – is a wolf.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    We conservatives have been saying “We told you so” for years and no one in Congress listened. Like “We will put the text of legislation on the web for al to read at least 3 days before a vote.” That lasted what…until the first vote?

    Affermative action, new maths, Title IX the list is endless. Then we get some fuckwit RHINO like John McCain voting for gun control. God help the US (which is in enough trouble already) if Obama and the Progressives get control of the House in 20214.