‘No whites need apply’


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12 Responses to ‘No whites need apply’

  1. john says:

    Canada…. kinda says it all.

  2. KG says:

    Yep. MulticultiPC hell.

  3. Findalis says:

    I wonder if a white male can sue for discrimination?

    • Ronbo says:

      No, whites cannot sue for discrimination.

      You see all whites (Except Leftist whites, of course!) are racists and part of the WHITE POWER STRUCTURE.

      Now colored people (most especially black African-American colored people) are outside the WHITE POWER STRUCTURE, therefore, are always the victims of white racist hate crimes , even when they rob or kill white people :!:

      I hope this is clear, whitey :!:

      The only hope for you is four years of “adjustment” at an elite Ivy League college in the Northeastern USA.

      Then maybe your mind will be right…and you’ll come to love Big Brother as much as Winston Smith.

      • It’s all part of the left’s delusion that they are oppressed by the “kyriarchy,” which is an alleged small cabal of straight white Christian “cis-gendered” males who oppress everybody simply by being straight white Christian “cis-gendered” males…

  4. Darin says:

    Must be Toronto aka Canuckistan.