‘Anti-American Savages of the Post-American World’

Daniel Greenfield:
‘..In the new world order we will cower behind our televisions while the global mob, composed of whoever has the most surviving kids living on international handouts, will tell us what laws they want us to live under. And those will not be tolerant laws, they will not protect women or gays, let alone minority religions, they will be the laws of the violent majority, not that of the Christians or Buddhists, or the tinier numbers of Jews or Atheists, they will be the laws of Islam, because Muslims are willing to do what they aren’t, go out into the streets and kill to establish those laws…’

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2 Responses to ‘Anti-American Savages of the Post-American World’

  1. thor42 says:

    A very sobering article.

  2. Oriana Fallaci once said of the Muslims that they have passion. A passion that is no longer present in the West. Islam is the greatest threat to the West that we now face. It uses our own culture against us and it thrives where the left has weakened the native values and society. If you are unfamiliar with the history of Lebanon you should research it. When the Muslim population reached critical mass they began killing Christians, Jews, and anybody else who was not Muslim. Where Lebanon had been a cosmopolitan nation, it became a slaughterhouse. That is the fate that awaits the West.

    The left believes that they can control the Muslim. They are sadly mistaken. Once they have finished with them, they will not be able to turn on them as they plan and put them in their place. They will instead fall to the rage of Islam who will terrorize and bomb them into submission. They will never relent and they will never show mercy to the infidel even if you pay the Jizya.