‘Immigration Bill Creates Giant Database On All Americans
The days of Big Brother may be here already, thanks to a provision in the immigration reform measure being considered in the Senate, Wired magazine reports.
Within the 800 pages of the legislation under consideration is a passage outlining the creation of a federal database so large it would contain photographs, names, ages, and Social Security numbers of every American who has a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID. This database is referred to as the “photo-tool.”…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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This in additions to the millions – perhaps billions – of dossiers the National Security Agency (NSA) keeps on foreigners by way to wiretaps, radio/video/computer/Internet intercepts.
Yes, NSA “Big Daddy” was the driving force behind the creation of the world wide web and wired it up so they could listen in to the traffic – both foreign and domestic.

Not surprisingly, with all this info on law-abiding citizens, the lot of these bastards wouldn’t be able to keep a muslim from blowing up a bomb somewhere in the name of his wretched cult lord.
All this crap isn’t to stop terrorists, is it? It’s purely and simply to tighten the government’s control over ordinary Americans.
It doesn’t look as if it will pass both Houses. In fact they are now calling Obama a “Lame Duck” and he won’t get anything passed.
He shot his arrow and it fell too short of the mark. But Benghazi is hitting right on target.
Take a look at today’s Drudge Report and you will see that KG is absolutely correct – the Obama Regime is NOT interested in Islamist or Leftist terrorists – It’s main enemy are people like us – the white middle class Tea Party types – and the always victims – the Jews.
Clearly the American Left is at war against anyone not on their side.
Headlines with links:
IRS Probe Expands To Groups Opposed To Gov’t, Teaching Constitution…
Scrutiny Was Deeper Than Thought…
UPDATE: IRS also targeted tax-exempt status of Jewish groups…
‘Absolutely chilling’…
House committee demands all communications by Wednesday…
Michelle to grads: Seek out those with different beliefs…
NEWYORKER: ‘Now there is something to it’…
DOWD: ‘It’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true — it’s old news’…
KLEIN: Obama ‘on the same page as Richard Nixon’…
Watch out for Petraeus…
More ‘Whistleblowers Coming’…
Press Corps Races to Defend Hillary from Questions… Bachmann: Obama released IRS bombshell because of Benghazi…
“IRS also targeted tax-exempt status of Jewish groups…”
The answer to just one question will prove malfeasance:
The answer is “no”, of course. The prosecution rests.
There is also a whole slew of information they want starting in 2014 in regards to health insurance with an additional new tax form.It’s the only way the IRS can enforce the mandate and know who to fine.
The kicker is it’s not whether or not a person has insurance,but whether they have the right kind of insurance.I.E. from one of Obamas approved plans and companies.It’s the Chicago way
And I see Boehner et al have gone very quiet on the subject of repealing obamascam….
They are limited to defunding what they can in the House.Of course the Dems control the Senate and the WH.Several Dems are leaving the Senate because they know their goose is cooked on Obamacare.
The Dems also lost two Senate seats in South Carolina.One was an appointment from Niki Haley the Repub Governor,the other was lost to Former Gov Mark Sanford.Apparently they would rather have a lying adulterer Republican than a stupid lib Dem.
The Dems had hoped they would pick up that one seat,but they lost in a landslide.I hope 2014 if we survive that long is a ground swell like 2010 was.
Who wants to bet that the database will be hooked into a facial recognition system that can find anyone, anywhere by video camera? Plug in a name, cross reference to the photo associated with that name, set cameras to alert when that face pops up and presto! We have you. Alternatively, take a facial capture and then have the recognition software search the database for a match and we have a reverse directory for identity and we have all of your records. This should scare the hell out of anyone with a modicum of intelligence.
Of course it won’t be used for voter identification because it will be “unfair” to minority/blacks/hispanics/low-information-voters/etc.
Something to warm your heart.
15 min of playing pacman!2 Apache helicopters taking out some Taliban.http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7e2_1342645222
( you only need to watch the first 8 min or so.)
McCain Defends Obama Against Impeachment For Benghazi, Will
‘Give President Benefit Of The Doubt’
McCain. Fucking traitor.
Don’t forget Boner as well.
RINO McCain does not speak for the Tea Party Movement
The TPM wants Obama hanged, drawn and quartered – and his head on a pike in front of the White House as a warning to future presidents not to chose the path of TREASON
@William Stout:
Maybe your file is here already?
It looks like 1984 will be up and running strong by 2014.
Nice of them to provide us with a floor plan
La Raza control ICE and are busy working to turn America into the same socialist paradise Mexico now is.