‘Smartphone app Seecrypt is designed to make phone calls and text messages impossible to bug. Anti-terrorist agents have said the technology would ‘enable the bad guys to get ahead’….’
The “bad guys” are already ahead–monitoring our private communications whether we know about it or not. We, the people, are the good guys, not our political masters and their effing lackeys. We have much more to fear from them than terrorists. After all, they’re the ones who have stripped us of more freedoms than any terrorist ever has.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 1/18/25
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- Darin on Hit them hard, hit them everyday
- Darin on Hit them hard, hit them everyday
- Darin on Hit them hard, hit them everyday
- Michael in Nelson on Hit them hard, hit them everyday
- Michael in Nelson on Hit them hard, hit them everyday
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Another example of an animal being let out of his cage
This is the kind of story that pisses me off most.An animal that should still be in prison was let loose and allowed to rob and kill again,now an innocent girl is dead.At least the criminal is dead this time
There are no words to express my rage at this kind of thing, Darin. None.
That Seecrypt, if available in Aus might provide the nudge for me to get one of them new-fangle computer ‘phones.
I saw on a blog months ago some joker linking to a “military grade” computer-info-encrypter. But I wasn’t on this machine with whizz-kid brother handy to install
We can get it in Oz, Dondiego–makes no difference where you live.
‘Burglars Lock Home Owner in Closet… Where He Keeps His Guns – One Injured.’
if you love speed, mayhem and raw guts with your racing, take a look at this:
Cool That was the end of the golden age of bike racing IMHO.Today it’s all about the label more than the men riding them.
If I had a spare 18 mil……
I’m a man of more simple tastes :
Nice setting, Os, I grant you. But you’d need a 50 ft Alden schooner to go with it. Mine’s cheaper.
I just love the place I linked to for its architectural perfection. Now, if that could be moved somewhere warmer…..
‘Number of people dying because of unbearable heat ‘set to double this century because of climate change’
A study in Manhattan found the number of fatalities caused by global warming will far outstrip the reductions in those perishing from the cold.
Anchorage,AK sets new record for longest snow season-232 days