‘The stunning decline of President Obama’

‘Ten key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown’
‘..The Obama White House is routinely disdainful of criticism, sneeringly dismissive of Congressional opposition, nasty and brutish towards dissenting voices in the media, and completely lacking in humility…’
And in comments under the article:
‘As a Tea Party member, & True the Vote worker, may I suggest you interview Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of TTV.  Catherine & her family underwent 18 examples of government harassment since 2009….   six FBI domestic terrorism inquiries, an IRS visit, two IRS business audits, two IRS personal audits, and inspections of her equipment manufacturing company by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Texas environmental quality officials.  The family even had their cows counted in their field.
Her family’s direct costs for IRS responses alone amounted to nearly one hundred thousand dollars.’
This is a gangster President and a gangster Administration. Only impeachment or insurrection will fix the problem.

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16 Responses to ‘The stunning decline of President Obama’

  1. KG says:

    And from http://lucianne.com/

    ‘..Obama Ignores D-Day Anniversary

    The Not-So-Veiled Threat to
    Non-Muslims in Tennessee

    Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Forced
    By Court Ruling To Suspend
    Immigration Enforcement

    The Army major on trial for murdering 13 at Ft. Hood in 2009 plans to argue that he acted in defense of the Taliban. So much for the administration calling the shootings “workplace violence.”

    US Secretary of State John Kerry quietly approved sending $1.3 billion in arms to Egypt in May, waiving the requirements of a US law meant to promote democratic development in the post-revolutionary country.

    President Photoshop?..’

    Quite a list–and that’s just today’s!

    • Ronbo says:

      Hey KG!

      The poop done hit the fan today in the USA!!! :mrgreen:

      I’m listening to Rush Limbaugh live on AM Talk Radio, and you know that he’s Mr. Big of the patriot movement, and he just got finished announcing to his 20 million plus listeners that Obama was the leader of a “Bloodless Coup” against the American Republic.

      This on top of everything else contra Obama Regime when the British Guardian (A Leftist newspaper! :mrgreen: ) dropped its bombs yesterday on the White House.

      Take a look at today’s Drudge Report Headlines:

      NSA, FBI secretly mining data from Internet firms…
      Top secret PRISM program…
      Obama administration collecting phone records of millions daily…
      Secret court order requires VERIZON to hand over ALL CALL DATA…
      White House: Critical tool against ‘terrorist threats’…
      Specifically targeted Americans, not foreigners…
      ‘Homeland Security’: Laptops, phones can be searched based on hunches…
      NSA SEES ALL: Phone Sex, Banks, Emails…
      CIA: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher…
      ‘1984’ Published 64 Years Ago Today…

      Of course, to date there has not been ONE document linking Obama to this ongoing putsch against the United States, but as Limbaugh pointed out there was not ONE document signed by Hitler that gave the green light to the Holocaust.

      I have a feeling that there is going to be Regime Change in the Homeland – and one way or another Obama and his people are going to be removed from office.

      • KG says:

        The ‘phone records scandal is real enough, Ronbo but it’s a distraction. Another fake hare, off and running amid much sound and fury.
        It’s very far from being the most grievous crime committed by this gang.
        Benghazi. Focusfocusfocus…..

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          With the hints that Ambassador Stevens was brokering a deal for arms to the Syrian rebels (read Muslim Brotherhood), you are absolutely correct KG.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          And there is the curious question of ‘How did the Obama Administration know the attack was not going to continue?’ We know they could have sent troops in a time frame that might have saved the two SEALs that were killed at the annex but ho did they know the attack would not last for days and target other US outposts?


  2. Contempt says:

    If anyone is outwardly upset or raving, I do not see it. Mindblowing. Seems that a march on DC should happen nearly spontaneously. Even if it did, oBowa et al will ignore it.

    Truly amazing blatant upfront rape of America. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  3. KG says:

    “Truly amazing blatant upfront rape of America.”
    Yes indeed. And I think he’ll get away with it.

  4. Obama is the great icon and spokesman for Government Uber Alles. With public trust in government eroding at an unprecedented rate, Obama must either openly disavow his ideology or go down with the ship — and he’s never been willing to disavow his ideology in the past!

    • Ronbo says:


      I don’t think Obama will get away with anything at the end of the day.

      I think Obama and his Leftist allies have went a scandal too far – and events are fast spinning out of Obama’s control, both nationally and internationally.

      Obama will have a great Shakespearean downfall like Richard III, where in the last act the evil king will be deserted on the battlefield yelling, “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!”

      • Ronbo says:


        I say Obama will go down with the ship – he will be deserted by his allies and co-criminals who will point to him as the Evil One and hope justice will leave them alone.

        Of course, it won’t, but they will rat him out in hopes of a plea bargain and light sentences.

        There is no honor among thieves. :mrgreen:

  5. mawm says:

    The next technology billionaire?


    A smart phone app to keep your calls and texts private. :mrgreen:

  6. thor42 says:

    Obama makes Al Capone look like Florence Nightingale.

    • Ronbo says:


      When I first read about the crimes of Stalin many years ago in high school, the same thought hit my mind – This guy was just a typical Chicago style gangster from an old B&W 1930s Jimmy Cagney movie.

      It wasn’t until later in life I understood the psychopath – the human wolf without a conscience who thinks of humankind as a herd of sheep to be attacked at will for his own needs – thus both criminals and communists are psychologically speaking – one and the same.

      The estimates are that 3% of any given population are psychopaths. President Obama is the classic definition of the successful psychopath skilled at the art of deception; however, the human mask is slipping off the wolf head – and soon even the low information voter will behold his fangs.

  7. Darin says:

    It’s either America or Obama,one or the other is going down,it’s only a question of which one lasts longer.

    One thing is for sure,he won’t do a Richard Nixon and bow out gracefully.No,he will go kicking and screaming trying everything in his power to finish what he started which is destroying the country.

    • Ronbo says:


      Great minds think alike!

      Obama may not be a rocket scientist, but as a Chicago Communist gangster in good standing he knows that if he resigns office the next bunch in the Executive Branch – even if they are Leftists – may throw his sorry butt to the dogs :!:

      No, Obama has went too far in his putsch against the Republic to back down now – It’s all or nothing for him :!:

      So if my picture of Obama is correct he will DOUBLE DOWN on what he’s doing now, which can only end in a massive disorder….an insurrection, as the opposition to him is at least half the country – the BETTER half of the country.

      I’ve said for years that Obama is just the man to start a Second U.S. Civil War.

      I hope he understand once he starts the murder machine, he is no longer the driver and at the mercy of events.

  8. KG says:

    “I hope he understand once he starts the murder machine, he is no longer the driver and at the mercy of events.”
    I hope he doesn’t understand that. :twisted: