‘An operation to troll the NSA has started up online in a bid to jam the spy scanners.
The plan is to ‘test’ the system by sending a message full of terrorist buzz words to the agency Wednesday at 7pm EST.
The website was set up in response to the accusations at the U.S. government is collecting and looking at data from Internet companies like Google, Facebook and Apple through a secretive program codenamed PRISM.
Operation ‘Troll The NSA’ describes the plan stating: ‘If millions of us, all at the exact same time, call or email someone with our keywords-of-terror-filled script, we can give our nation’s impressive surveillance system the kind of test it deserves…’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Did I tell you that NSA is the Headquarters for military SIGINT – and thus “Big Daddy” was my boss while I was Military Signals Intelligence? In fact, I worked at the “Puzzle Palace” at Ft. Meade, Maryland for three years (1977-80) in the W17 section that focused on telemetry and radar intercepts (ELINT) from the Soviet Union.
Of course, back then during Ye Olde Cold War Days, NSA only spied on hostile overseas nations – mainly the East Bloc – although we did monitor the military of every country in the world EXCEPT “The Cousins” Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I do believe NSA was behind the creation of the Internet, which at first was done to link military intelligence and research computers in the USA during the 1970s and 80s – and then grew into World Wide Web those data follows thru America.
I guess it was just too tempting for the lads at the Puzzle Palace not to start listening in on everyone in the world.
lest we forget Goth Whitlam,John Kerr and the spy-whistle blower Christopher John Boyce.
note: whilst not a plug for Labor ; I didn’t think much of Carter or certain US agencies at that time either.
‘Key words’ ?? Like freedom, liberty, free speech, TEA Party, Constitution, impeach, and conservative?
Yup,pretty much.
don’t forget-key word-
Already ahead of them
Guns, Guns, GUNS
Red Alert Time at Ft. Meade, Maryland just now…
Oswald has an excellent list up over at his blog.
I’d just add manpad Obama assassinate Jarret lynch
I survived my hospital procedure, and I learned that all the Secret Service wanted was the report….which they won’t like – I’m healthy as a horse
Gawd…don’t they have anything better to do?
To the ruling class socialists of America, people like me are The Enemy of The State, so they think of nothing in appointing a GS-13 (The same pay grade as a colonel in the U.S. Army) to be my personal minder in Seattle.
Did you ever see that movie, “The Lives of Others” about the East German Stasi (Secret Police) where they were spying on an anti-Communist playwright in East Berlin during the Cold War? It’s pretty much the same thing with me – and who knows how many uncounted thousands of Americans deemed to be “State Enemies.”
Yes, everyone in America (or the world for that matter) can be a target for the American “Ministry of Love,” but some of us have been singled out for specific attention. I understand Homeland Security calls this the “Watch List.”
The upside is that the bad guys know I have potential to upset their little red wagon, the downside is that the good guys won’t listen to me – not because I’m wrong – but because what I say is too terrible to be believed
An alternative view of the NSA scandal.
Snowden = Manning?
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
The NSA violates the Fourth Amendment. End of argument.
We can debate the necessities of anti-terrorist intelligence gathering, the trustworthiness of government and bureaucrats, keywords, communications methods and how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, until the cows come home.
The Fourth Amendment answers the questions. It always did, regardless of the change in volume and type of those communications – and it will continue to do that unless and until the Constitution is lawfully amended.
Too right,there is no excuse for this.If they wanted to bug every phone and hack every computer in the Arab world looking for terrorists.Or if they wanted to do the same to every Muslim in the US I would have no problem with it as they pose a legitimate threat.
But to go on this spying rampage of what can only be called Equal Opportunity Tyranny is inexcusable.This is partly the fault of people who refused to let us accurately pursue the population who committed terrorist acts against us.Instead they are spying on everybody.
The other group at fault here are those in government who see this spinning off as a new control mechanism and who are fine with that notion.That group is composed of both political parties and are the same group who sees themselves ruling globally.
Sorry, should have applied some context to my comment…
Yes, the NSA’s activities violate the Constitution. It was wrong under Bush and its wrong under Barry.
What meant was we (as in, all we Conservatives) need to carefully weigh this whistle-blower’s background and motives before commenting on his actions. Just as Bradley Manning is a self-serving, snivelling little leftist arsehole, so is this guy. Anyone being sheltered by the Chicoms, and who the Russkies are reaching out to, has got to be questionable at best.
Not suggesting anyone here has jumped on the band-wagon, just saying we need to be careful.
Gantt,this is one of those times where everything and everybody around it smells.
IF and I do mean IF he is telling the truth he could have done a lot of irreparable damage to not just the US surveillance net,but also that of our Allies.As it is the damage may already have been done since we can assume anybody important that we were legitimately watching has now changed tactics and broken the intelligence stream.
All of this,the NSA,the TSA,DHS the whole lot was the direct result of PC diversity and stupidity.All those tens of Billions of dollars wasted because we let an insane minority pillory us into ignoring the target.
But we need not worry,hell no,not one bit.Since we are now directly supporting AL Qaeda
Red Line crossed,US to start aiding Syrian Rebels-
Syrian Rebels pledge loyalty to Al Qaeda-
The only question left now is, what’s Obama? Shi’ite or Sunni?
‘Cos he ain’t just shite and dark, that’s for sure.
Since the Administration is now going to aid an Al Qaeda affiliate, can it be declared a terrorist organization and droned?