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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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At the time, the BS was pretty deep and clear on the Gibson raid. True Contempt.
It surely was.
The handwriting is on the wall – the current U.S. Federal Government is determined to put small business out of business
One of the central tenets of Fascism – is to allow private companies to exist only on a large scale, which makes them easy to control.
Hitler and Mussolini did not nationalize industry like the Communist did in Russia, but they sure as hell put the little guys in the unemployment line, and this would appear to be the objective of the Obama Regime.
First destroy the concept of a family headed by a father, The State becomes the father.
Then destroy the middle class……
They’ve been working long and hard to get to this point. Destroy the traditional family. Destroy the Church. The long march through the institutions.
What we’re seeing now is nothing more or less than the next logical step for them, in a plan that was laid out decades ago.
The tragedy is that so many *still* refuse to believe what is happening.
Oh, FFS!
‘Firefighters in Hot Water for Mexican-Themed Photo’
So the guys posed wearing sombreros and fake moustaches….what a heinous fucking crime!
This pc crap isn’t a joke. It’s a form of oppression.
Meanwhile, the indoctination of children continues apace..where are the parents?
Them too!
‘Iranians in sham presidential election’
More unintended consequences of Green idiocy:
The Gibson guitar thing pisses me off no end.Not just because of the political angle,but because of the entire liberal mindset involving natural resources in developing countries.
In the end the only thing Gibson was “guilty” of was an FSC import code on sawn wood products,the fret boards were classed as sawn veneer(which is what they are) in stead of sawn boards which they are not.It was just a clerical error easily handled with a phone call.
The other gripe I have is with the Lacy act in general.This was designed to enforce foreign law and not US law.Foreign law changes like the weather and we have no business enforcing any of it.We once embargoed Honduras Mahogany from coming in as “we” decided it was an endangered species.When “we” stopped importing it,the value fell to nearly nothing and the folks down south stopped cutting it for timber.They have to make a living somehow,so they started bull dozing and burning the timber to make room for Soybean acreage and grazing land.There is no telling how many million board feet of Mahogany went up in smoke because of this stupidity.
The concept of ownership=value completely eludes liberals.
Along with this leftwing mindset is the concept of “fair trade” in items such as coffee beans. All it does is take away the income from a struggling family, who might not be getting a fair wage but at least that is what he gets, and gives it to the big co-ops, etc. It is always the impoverished that gets hit hardest.
Who decides what = “fair” in that scenario?
Flip: how much do the co=ops pay the “Fair Trade” certifiers for the certification?
Here’s one for you,remember NAFTA?
One more government sponsored trade agreement where the little guy in all three countries got screwed.
I sure do remember. And Mawm hit the nail on the head about the “fair trade” scam.
The other was sanctions against apartheid South Africa. Only the poor were affected. Same as those against Mugarbage and his thugs – they still live in unbelievable luxury and the poor starve.
“The concept of ownership=value completely eludes liberals.”
A bit like the idiot Greens opposing controlled hunting of some species–so Africans slaughter them for meat, instead of the species and their habitats being carefully conserved because they’re a valuable export earner.
That is most certainly the case with hunting. The commercial hunters in the Botswana concessions used to look after the game numbers because that is what kept them in business. Commercialise Rhino horn and Elephant tusk trade and the poachers would get under cut on price and it would no longer worth their while. That twat Leaky in East Africa is a big mover behind bonfires of tusks collected by the various government organisations so as to remove the product from the market. The poachers must rub their hands with glee.
Interesting parallels with the idiot “war on drugs” in South America.
PROPERTY was one of the three freedom tenets perpetrated by the FOUNDERS-
LIFE-Liberty- PROPERTY–why-
because the “royals’ could take a citizen’s property for any trumped up reason -before the 1776 Revolution….
now the would be -“royals” – are using un- Constitutional Fed agencies to take our property –(IRS-et al – would be deemed UN-Constitutional by our Founders)…
We are at the mercy of events in America.
The American people are doing NOTHING effective as the Obama Putsch is taking over the country – we are screwed, blued and tatooed UNLESS something internationally happens like it did in 1941…I’m saying WW III – some event very big that throws off the Reds and gives the opposition time to regroup, re-equip and charge once more.
The Left is moving for the kill and I seriously wonder if the Free Republic survives until January 1, 2014.
We live in revolutionary times where one day equals a year in the normal course of things.
Pathological Altruism-
From the comments under the article-
“The idea underlying Pathological Altruism is also ensconced in the ancient phrase “good mother is bad mother to me”. Nevertheless, its nice to know that what has been understood for millennia now has a research paper with hundreds of footnotes to back it up.”
“It is reasonable to wonder if the lack of scientific research involving codependency may relate to the fact that there is a strong academic bias against studying possible negative outcomes of empathy.”
Nah..academic bias? No such thing.
‘On June 13, Congress voted to limit President Obama’s ability to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens who are suspected of terrorism.
By a vote of 214-211, Congress approved an amendment to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) saying that “nothing in U.S. law can deny citizens the right to a court hearing.”
Twenty-one Republicans voted against the amendment, while only three Democrats voted for it…’
Sigh,we are gonna need a lot of rope
A long wall will do if you can’t find enough.
Or a large barge and concrete shoes…..
This is what results from democracy – and allowing every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane the right to vote and hold office.
The Founding Fathers of our REPUBLIC rightly called democracy “mobocracy” – and we know from history the fate of Socrates in democratic Athens, he was executed for taking his right to freedom of speech seriously
BTW, nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is the right to vote mentioned, as voter qualification are left to the various states, so it would be legal for the various states to enact legislation that would set qualifications for voters – for example, an I.Q. test that would limit voters to only those with I.Q.s above 110.
This requirement alone would wipe out the parties of the Left.