‘Ol Remus on the DHS:

‘..The Supreme Court—that body charged with assessing Constitutional compliance in all places and circumstances—has so far ruled the DHS may act on its own authority without fear of judicial review. In other words, a security agent can be sanctioned only for failing to be severe enough and is answerable to nobody outside the DHS, i.e., the field agent has an incentive for excess while you have no legal recourse from whatever disposition he imposes on you.
….Events are moving quickly. This beast is convinced of its strength, impressed by it actually, and anxious to exercise it. And so it shall. Things will get worse before they get better, yet one day our descendents will ask how such things were allowed to happen. It’s on that day we shall have redeemed ourselves, however that day was brought about….’
The Woodpile Report
And of course, a fear of the government is pure paranoiaisn’t it?

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