US Supreme Court strikes down key sections of the voting rights act…

….Obama and Holder sulk and cry.

Race pimp Jesse Jackson says this is “devastating”,


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15 Responses to US Supreme Court strikes down key sections of the voting rights act…

  1. Ronbo says:

    Don’t worry Comrades :!:

    El Presidente Obama will simply issue a Presidential Order and reverse the Supreme Court decision – or – a few opposition Supremes will have tragic car accidents or heart attacks – and be replaced by more Progressive jurists in tune with The New World Order. :evil:

  2. mawm says:

    Yes Ronbo, I fear that “restoring you voting rights” will become another “election” promise for the induction of “a President for life”.

  3. KG says:

    The reaction to the SCOTUS decision will be interesting. What the court has done is hand another weapon to those who divide on the basis of race…..
    Watch for the Feds to interfere–legally or otherwise–in state’s rights to regulate voting.

  4. KG says:

    When the Sharptons whistle “racism” the lo-info mofos will come running. And feel that even more violence against whites is justified.
    “Somebody should put a round of 7.62 between Sharpton’s eyes.” (just quoting somebody else there, you understand)

  5. Darin says:

    One man who gets it

    Of course the Soros bots have infested the comments section.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    The SCOTUS decision was based in law and logic. Perfect reasons for the left to spew vileness. The decision was only against section 5 of the act which gave the Feds power to pre-approve 15 states’ election law changes. The problem was the use of 40 year old data. That, in addition the Republican ‘renewal’ passed in 2006 which extended the power for another 25 years, the court said the section was unenforceable and ordered updated data to be used in any similar pre-approval law. Give the changes in the last 40 years that ruling effectively kills it.

    I see Texas immediately called their voter ID law into effect!

    • Darin says:

      And soon Mississippi,Alaska and Florida as well which will bring the total number to 38 states requiring it IIRC.

      • Ronbo says:

        Secession :?:

        I’m seeing mucho parallels between the situation pre-U.S. Civil War I in the 1850s, and what is shaping up to be CW II in the 21st century – for crying out loud, even the Democrats and Republicans are looking like pre-Civil War I political parties with the Democrats supporting slavery (socialism) and the Republicans (the Tea Party majority) supporting liberty.

        A house divided once again….there will be blood, as there is no possible way slavery and freedom can be compromised – in fact, this has been tried all over the world – with the half free/half slave end result that allow the slave owners to get more powerful.

        • Darin says:

          Ron,some of the Blacks at work have been saying stuff like -“F–k that MF Obama” “He hasn’t done one dam thing to help anybody”.

          The working class Blacks are waking up,finally now that their pockets are being picked clean.The next few months/year should be interesting.

  7. KG, just heard the bitch has gone.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: It’s great news, Conservative. I can’t think of any Oz politician I’ve loathed so much. And given some of the assholes we’ve endured, that’s saying a lot.

  8. KG says:

    Well, Conservative, Rudd is a maniac but popular with the leftards, so it should be fun times ahead. :lol:

  9. Contempt says:

    Why ANY “US person” could object to voter ids is incredible. Hell, I have to show a picture id to use my debit card at some places. Insane. All of this is especially Contemptible when POTUS person maintains great secrecy about every last piece of his identification. :shock:

  10. Andrew Berwick says:

    Still doesn’t cut to the heart if the matter – the blatantly unconstitutional “civil war amendments”. If the court struck those down that would rely be progress!

    Voting must be a privilege, never a “right”, and never ever “universal”

    No representation without nett taxation!