Open house.

And no peanut shells and beer stains left on the fine persian rugs this time, ok?

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46 Responses to Open house.

  1. Findalis says:

    Why no peanuts or beer? Throw out the expensive rugs and stock up on both.

  2. KG says:

    We’ll put a tarp down. :mrgreen:

  3. Ronbo says:

    The U.S. Supreme Court overthrows over 10,000 years of marriage between man and woman in DOMA decision:

    …now about that beer, KG, do have the Foster iced down?

    I feel like getting very drunk today for some reason… :evil:

    • Ronbo says:

      …for you mates living outside OZ and not knowing this premier brewski:

      “Foster’s Lager is an internationally distributed Australian brand of 5.2% abv pale lager.It is a product of Foster’s Group brewed under licence in several countries, including the U.S.and Russia. The European rights to the beer are owned by Heineken International, who brew and distribute a 4% ABV Foster’s in most European countries,including the United Kingdom, Greece, France, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Finland, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and Ireland. In the United States and India, rights to the brand are owned by SABMiller.Respectively in Canada and Brazil, Foster’s is brewed by Molson Canada and Brasil Kirin under licence from Foster’s Brewing International.”

    • Findalis says:

      Me too. I’m beginning to believe that Iran has the best attitude towards gays right now.

      A case or three will make that go away.

  4. Darin says:

    The SCOTUS did today,by refusing to rule on the Prop 8 case is dispicable.

    The people of California voted by majority to ban Gay marriage.The governor and the AG decided they didn’t like that and decided not to defend the case in court.The supporters of Prop 8 stepped into that role instead.

    SCOTUS today said that they,because they were not the state,they had no standing before the court.So in other words,American citizens now have no standing in Federal court and governors can do whatever they want,regardless of what the people who elected them want. :evil:

    • Ronbo says:


      The First Republic is finished…destroyed…KAPUTT :!: :evil: The stinking corpse lies by the grave and it’s time we patriots kick it into the grave and throw dirt over it:!: :evil:

      The First American Republic: 1789 to 2013 R.I.P.

      The judges…THE DAMN JUDGES :!: Think only THEY determine what is the LAW :!: WTF :!: :!: :!: I say We The People are the final word on all matters constitutional and even in Leftist California they said “NO!” to faggot marriage (which is an oxymoron, btw)

      I say we patriot move on and declare the First Republic at an end – and create a Second Republic :!: Let’s find a city hall somewhere in the country and vote ourselves the new government of these United States :!: This is what our ancestors did in 1774 – The First Continental Congress.

      Why the fuck not :?: The French are on their Fifth Republic (or is it the Sixth :?: ) and maybe they will get it right some day, but clearly all squares in the checklist for revolution have been checked off – and bloody REVOLUTION in America is the only option :!:


        • KG says:

          “But to defend traditional marriage is not to condemn, demean, or humiliate those who would prefer other arrangements, any more than to defend the Constitution of the United States is to con- demn, demean, or humiliate other constitutions. To hurl such accusations so casually demeans this institution. In the majority’s judgment, any resistance to its holding is beyond the pale of reasoned disagreement. To question its high-handed invalidation of a presumptively valid statute is to act (the majority is sure) with the purpose to “dis- parage,” “injure,” “degrade,” “demean,” and “humiliate” our fellow human beings, our fellow citizens, who are homo- sexual. All that, simply for supporting an Act that did no more than codify an aspect of marriage that had been unquestioned in our society for most of its existence— indeed, had been unquestioned in virtually all societies for virtually all of human history. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race…”

          Good for Scalia! He looks like the only grown-up on the bench right now.

          • KG says:

            This decision makes me angry and very, very sad.
            That has nothing to do with invented “rights” for any particular group.
            I always regarded the rule of law, the concept of blind, impartial justice as man’s greatest achievement.
            SCOTUS has destroyed that.
            The law is now the “law”, and insurrection the sole legitimate means of overthrowing a tyrannical government.
            Bring it on.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!NOWMR*!!!BlackBerry B N a tizzy!!!He does not use Foster’s because the big can is too big 4 he slim, feminine hands, @ least D word N D Underground Kompound is rumored even by recent US person illegal legal illegals. If yvt may recall correctly, even @Harvard University Remedial Law School of disbarred attorneys. yvt hath merely an hazy memory of BlackBerry as a grassmate which is of course old news however much relevant to Caucasians********However, Yours Very Trulililily hath drinketh one R more of those things and really, really thought it tasted like ‘roo piss laced with parasite fecal matter. But if it B placed in front of yvt @ Jose undt Juanita’s Cantina in d midst of Jose Feliciano Happy Hour N D backalley with Juanita’s twelve year old Virgin seestar**yvt wilst drinketh it in less than 4.5 secundos.

    *NOW NOW NOW MR RonbO!!!
    **Virgin seestar requires a pitchure i.d. prior to service, btw***
    ***btw – bring the vino U horny persons of our 56-57th Steaks****
    ****which is another subject all together !!!OMGGGG!!!gotta beep it b Diplomatic pouch wanting yvt 2 []uck*****her in!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!!
    *****rhymes with “tuck”******
    ******yvt cannot fathom exactly why yvt’z fate is to be here now!!!!MRBOGAdministraitorularhelphelphelpPLEASE
    ********Caucasian – yours very truly is also one until they wired yvt’s frontal lobe to a drone which is about the size of a flea on a hog’s balls.

    • mawm says:

      Fosters = roo piss :shock: – although a very correct description of it. :mrgreen: I’d stick to the Dos Equis at Juanita’s and the cuatro X in Qld.

  6. Contempt says:
    How does HarvardPotatoHead live with himself? Or does he? Thank God he is not my next door neighbor!

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    Cointempt – are you sure yvt is NOT your next door neighbor???

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    Once,years ago, I saw a movie where Jeremy Irons played two parts; twins who were gynecologists. One was a drug-addicated nutbar and, at least in the beginning, the other was a normal, rational, sane type. Over time, the normal one became more and more strange and ended up a drug-addicted nutbar.

    I don’t remember a lot about the movie – I was a bit wasted at the time and it’s all a bit hazy – but I wonder why I’m recalling that movie when I read the conversation above?

    Oh, and KG – those stains weren’t beer. Sorry. :oops:

  9. KG says:

    It’s been a hard night, ok?

  10. Redbaiter says:

    Look at this disgusting crap-

    Two prominent US bloggers have been banned from entering the UK, the Home Office has said. Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America. They were due to speak at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed. A government spokesman said individuals whose presence “is not conducive to the public good” could be excluded by the home secretary. He added: “We condemn all those whose behaviours and views run counter to our shared values and will not stand for extremism in any form.”

    • mawm says:

      Shocking double standards by the British government.

    • KG says:

      ‘A government spokesman said individuals whose presence “is not conducive to the public good” could be excluded by the home secretary.’
      Funny, how that doesn’t apply to islamist preachers, isn’t it?
      Britain has surrendered. *spit*

    • Redbaiter says:

      Sometimes I have hope that we are making headway, and then when I read something like that I feel we are just sinking into a suffocating morass of lies and cowardice. Is the population at large really so lost that the desperate deceitful cowardice of such an event completely escapes them?? If so then there is no good end to any of this.

      • KG says:

        “Is the population at large really so lost that the desperate deceitful cowardice of such an event completely escapes them?? ”
        More importantly, “not conducive to the public good” gives any bureaucrat absolute power over every citizen, something more in tune with the USSR than a so-called democracy. If the bastards can get away with this, then what we’re seeing is a government which has awarded itself absolute power over the people who employ it.
        In other words, tyranny.
        And when face with tyranny, all means of resistance become legitimate…all means.

      • mawm says:

        The erosion of freedom in the West, so frequently compared to the frog in boiling water, is too coordinated (and even unsubtle) for it to be by chance. Our politicians are working to someone’s agenda; most likely the UN’s. The electorate be damned for what they think, if the masters say implement gay marriage/CO2 madness/small arms control – it’ll be done by our dishonest, self-serving politicians, no matter their colour. Only a revolution will change things. Politicians bodies suspended from lamp post will be a stark reminder that they are our representatives, not our rulers.

        • KG says:

          “Politicians bodies suspended from lamp post will be a stark reminder that they are our representatives, not our rulers.”
          Damn right. I see no other way.

  11. mawm says:

    A worthwhile read:-

    By misrepresenting that carefully prepared act of war against the U.S. as a case of “spontaneous violence,” this administration proved it is neither willing nor able to defend our country and our lives against foreign terrorism, which ………. is now very close to having nuclear weapons to hurl at us.

    • KG says:

      Mawm, I’m absolutely sure that should a nuclear attack against the U.S. occur, there will be no retaliation in kind.
      For the islamists, there is now no downside to such an attack.
      Dangerous times, and Western “leaders” are sleepwalking to disaster. Even if a nuke isn’t detonated, possession of them now gives the islamists control of Western policies and actions.

  12. Darin says:

    Old family owned Chevy dealership auctions off a rare treasure trove of new old stock vehicles and parts-

  13. KG says:

    Just 8,000 years ago, there was virtually no summer sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean.

    Sea-level rise is natural, and declining in rate.

    Australian rainfall has not decreased over the last 100 years.

    A previous Australian drought lasted 69 years.

    By catchment management, the Murray-Darling Basin now contains almost 3 times as much water as it held naturally.

    Global air temperature has not increased for the last 16 years, despite an 8% increase in CO2.

    Global ocean temperature is also steady or cooling slightly.

    Australian territory absorbs up to 20 times the amount of CO2 that we emit.

    The CO2 tax will cost about $1,000/person/year; and rising.

    The result of reducing Australian CO2 emissions by 5% by 2020 will be a theoretical (and unmeasurable) cooling of between 0.0007CO and 0.00007O C by 2100.

    No scientist can tell you whether the world will be warmer or cooler than today in 2020.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Ruling Class (TRC) in the West CREATED the great Global Warming Hoax for the purpose of gaining power over industrialism.

      Let’s face it – what need does a happy and educated free market market society where most people are middle class or better have for their inferiors who can only rise in a collectivist society :?:

      Take a look at the typical Leftist politician in the U.S Congress – Low I.Q. TRASH that would be lucky to get a job as a dishwasher in a rational society :!:

  14. KG says:

    Not fit to vote:
    ‘A SURVEY of women conducted in the dying days of Julia Gillard’s prime ministership found that 82 per cent strongly approved of the way she handled the job.’

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Just like with blacks and the magic negro…

      • KG says:

        Aye. :evil:
        I just put a Leupold shotgun/muzzleloader ‘scope on the Marlin, Oswald. So far, it looks like the ideal set-up.
        (lots of pigs around early this morning). :grin:

  15. Oswald Bastable says:

    Only one way to find out :lol:

  16. KG says:

    We saw half a dozen good size pigs wander across the road in front of us this morning, but by the time I pulled up they’d disappeared into very thick scrub, and they weren’t stopping for anyone. Very frustrating.

  17. Ronbo says:

    KG said_”‘A SURVEY of women conducted in the dying days of Julia Gillard’s prime ministership found that 82 per cent strongly approved of the way she handled the job.’”

    Who did the survey? In this country the Leftist media uses biased polls to change public opinion.

    Yes, I know that a majority of women in any given country approve of the Nanny State, but a sizable minority does not.

    I could see 55% – but not 82% :!:

    • Darin says:

      Ron,I think the ratio is right.When you factor in how many women are dependant on the government.It’s something like 80% in the black and hispanic communites,close to 40% in the white community and all groups in the under 35 demographic score access to birth control and abortion higher than national security and jobs.The women in this group are nucking futs

  18. Robertv says:

    Something to save the day.

    Whispering Death

  19. The Gantt Guy says:

    Hey folks. Been manic-busy at work, but I was just sent a link to this petition, which I urge you all to sign…


    My comment:

    “As a British citizen, I am appalled that my government can allow extremist Islamist preachers into Britain, but keep out those who – articulately, and non-violently – argue against the Islamists’ position. The freedom of speech was born in Britain, and it appears it may well die there.”