“Where Was NAACP, Media When Two Black Teenagers Shot White Baby In The Face?”
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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The most intelligent man in america?
Certainly the best candidate for Prez, if only he’d run and if only the RNC would support him.
It is only racism if it is a black punk killed by a Hispanic guy.
Well, of course!
If America ever gets put right again Colonel West would be of terrific service I am sure
Hearing all of the black conservatives coming out and saying enough is enough with the race baiting,lying and court bashing is refreshing.Brave men and women all!
Damn right–and they often have a great deal to lose by doing so.
The reactions of the two races says quite a lot if you ask me. When blacks commit crimes against whites, whether it’s racist or not, you never get any whites burning, pillaging and demanding blood on TV.
Yet when whitish-looking Hispanics dare to defend themselves against a black thug, it’s surprisingly easy to whip up the blacks into a frenzy of blood lust and mob justice.
Naturally the left are on the side of the mob, leading the packs looking for someone to lynch and string up. But they angrily deny there’s any mob mentality and retarded group think amongst them.