Beyond merely depraved,

769837-rolling-stoneThis is evil.
‘ROLLING Stone has been accused of making a teen idol out of Boston bombing suspect  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, releasing a dreamy magazine cover that looks eerily similar to rock heartthrob Jim Morrison..’
UPDATE: And for the kind of vomitous, slimy mental process which passes for “thinking”–the kind which makes this sickness possibletake a look at this.

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9 Responses to Beyond merely depraved,

  1. Brown says:

    I like reading the contrary view to preserve a sense of balance but my comments get deleted. I guess that’s a good thing. I think you are too harsh though because they are just followers. You need to cut the head off the sucker and then see if the zombie will survive. The head is called welfare – when that goes and the lefties have to really confront the angry mobs they’ll be locking and loading like everyone else. Of course they may to a Robin Bain and shoot themselves while doing yoga.

  2. KG says:

    I’m not too harsh at all, Brown. The photograph they put up in that post demonstrates that they are not being honest.
    A lot of Germans who herded Jews into cattle trucks were “just followers” too. So were Stalin’s henchmen. So were Pol Pot’s.
    Without those willing followers, there would be no head to cut off the beast. There would be no beast.
    “..when that goes and the lefties have to really confront the angry mobs they’ll be locking and loading like everyone else.”
    I doubt that, because they will be the mobs, transitioning straight from welfare to armed robbery.
    As for giving “a sense of balance”….we’re waaay past that. These people aren’t interested in balance, or rational debate or maintaining a civilized difference of opinion.
    This is war, and anybody who thinks otherwise is in for a reality check.

  3. mawm says:

    UPDATE:…….eeeeeew! You could have warned us. My computer now feels contaminated.

    The jury found him not guilty of hate crime, because as one of the other white men on the jury said “I call people Pakis all the time, that’s not racist.” My friend and the sole person of colour on the jury were unable to stop the majority verdict.

    She hasn’t met a mawm yet. :mrgreen:

  4. KG says:

    :twisted: Indeed….

  5. I dunno says:

    Ugh, my eyes feel dirty too…

    I’ve only followed a link there once before and it was just as awful then too.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    You are once again ahead of the story KG. FOX is running the Rolling Stone cover item just now (5:50 am Thursday). BTW their take is that is irresponsible.

  7. Mathew says:

    Perhaps next month rolling stone can put the picture of that fellow who kept those women in his basement as their hero-of-the-month. Why stop at a muslim terrorist, keep going, rapists, pedophiles etc, let them all have their fair share.