Sigh…if it was a dog, you’d take it to the vet.

‘McCain: Obama’s Trayvon Comments ‘Very Impressive’…’

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10 Responses to Sigh…if it was a dog, you’d take it to the vet.

  1. Kirly says:

    I live in AZ. I despise John McCain. He used to regularly send me snail mail asking for donations. It stopped after about 4 years of replies in which I wrote on the provided response card and sent back in the provided postage paid envelope, messages such as “PLEASE RETIRE SOMEPLACE ELSE. NO MONEY FOR YOU!”. In huge black marker, of course. oooh, I wonder if i’m on an NSA watch list now. but then, aren’t we all?

  2. GW says:

    Had to laugh at the title. How apropos.

    That said, McCain is of a generation for whom white guilt was at its apogee, so I will cut him just a bit of slack here. It was the acts of his generation in making a true good faith effort to end racism and the effect of a century of discrimination / segregation that allowed our follow on generation to grow up with something ever more approaching color blind attitudes and sans white guilt. That those efforts have been successful among whites while being half disaster for a large segment of the black population is another matter entirely.

    Unfortunately, McCain isn’t able to see the forest through the trees on this one. The next phase needs to be some very tough love for the blacks in that segment caught in poverty, failed education and criminality. McCain will never be part of that solution. It is indeed getting close to the time where we should erect a memorial in his honor and call the vet for the appointment.

  3. Heisenbug says:

    I wouldn’t waste good money taking a dog like McCain to the vet. I’d just take it out back with my rifle.

    Politicians, on the other hand, should be put down with rope and a tree.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Yep, he would bet the ‘ol Yeller’ treatment. With a lot less sympathy than the original got…

  4. KG says:

    You’re a savage bunch of right-wing killbeasts.

  5. john says:

    McRino, what a sad sack of shit you really are.

    • Ronbo says:

      Actually shit smells better than traitor McCain – btw, there are military officers who were held with McRINO at the Hanoi Hilton who said he was a fuck boy and snitch for the Communists…This would account for him being Obama’s rent boy. :evil:

  6. Contempt says:

    GW, McCain has no guilt and will do service to the highest bidder. After all the border control stuff pre-2008 election the Repubs slapped me in the face by putting him up for erection. Mc”Cain” is identical twins with my senator Lindsey Graham.