Steyn on islamist-enabling PC lunacy:

‘..As the writer Barry Rubin pointed out, Major Hasan was the first mass murderer in US history to give a PowerPoint presentation outlining the rationale for the crime he was about to commit. And he gave it to a roomful of fellow army psychiatrists and doctors – some of whom glanced queasily at their colleagues, but none of whom actually spoke up. And, when the question of whether then Captain Hasan was, in fact, “psychotic”, the policy committee at Walter Reed Army Medical Center worried “how would it look if we kick out one of the few Muslim residents”…’                               Source

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3 Responses to Steyn on islamist-enabling PC lunacy:

  1. Barry says:

    In NZ, successive bad governments are making more and more laws and policies race-based, discriminating in favour of part-maoris. The same sort of p c over here seems to stop most of the many NZers who hate it all from speaking up about it.

    • KG says:

      I think until people start banding together, speaking up and taking cases to court, this crap will continue, Barry.
      But they won’t–witness Key’s popularity.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The traveling Maori troupe made themselves a laughing stock by doing a haka during the 50th anniversary MLK march. I didn’t see a whisper in theNZ ‘news’. (but then I don’t watch much of it either