Open house

and a big pussycat.

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30 Responses to Open house

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Looks like one of the sabretooth cats.

  2. KG says:

    He does! A bit too big to lounge around on the bed. And imagine the food bill….

  3. KG says:

    ‘Google knows nearly every Wi-Fi password in the world’

    who trusts Google? Not me.

  4. KG says:

    Been a ‘plane crash fairly near here–waiting for details.

    • MvL says:

      Oh Yeah…………
      To you Queenslanders……
      “fairly near here”
      Could be anywhere within a 1000km radius :mrgreen:
      News says bellfield.

      • KG says:

        Up on the Croydon road is only about 250km away, MvL. One of the places we go for an early morning drive and pig hunt. :grin:
        One of Gecko’s friends headed off out there in the ambulance.

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    My house smells like a brewery.

    I suppose you get that when you ferment 50 liters of wash in the garage…

  6. Redbaiter says:

    In essence, the fascist system is one that rejects any limiting principle upon government. –

    Good read. Better than most such articles.

    America’s Fascist Movement

  7. Ronbo says:

    Ronbo, the stalwart editor, writer, publisher – the unpaid ALL EVERYTHING – of “The Freedom Fighter’s Journal” blog has recently invented a catchy title for the almost daily black racist murder of an innocent white(s) somewhere in the United States as, “The Murder Du Jour.”

    This one happened recently here in Seattle, only a couple of miles from where I live:

    …and oddly for a Leftist, the good professor died a Knightly Death in defense of his Lady Fair against the Seattle Black Monster :!: :shock:

    This one happened in Florida….

    Do we see a pattern here of black racist attacks against whites that started in 2009 when Obama became president?

    Hmmm? :evil:

    • Ronbo says:


      I agree – “Fascist” is just another noun that describes “Progressive” which controls the leadership of both Democrat and Republican Parties.

      Of course, there are differences between two wings of the same Progressive Party – The elite Nationalist Republicans would have an American Empire whereby the United States either directly or indirectly controls the world.


      These Nationalist elites frequently play the “patriotism card” – George W. Bush is a classic example of doing this after 9/11 – posing as a great American patriot in public and making war on the Islamist terrorists, while behind the scenes creating Homeland Security to nail down Progressive Nationalist dictatorship in CONUS.

      As for the Socialist wing of the Progressive Party, we see that in operation everyday under Obama…

      Therefore, what we have is American fascism of the National Socialist variety, and it seems only a question of time until an American Hitler type comes along as president and unites both Nationalists and Socialists wings under one supreme leadership that turns on the world. :evil:

  8. Findalis says:

    Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!

  9. KG says:

    Last on the ‘plane crash is one injured, one body still trapped. Father and son.

  10. KG says:

    ‘POLICE in the US trying to subdue an emotionally disturbed man accidentally shot two female bystanders outside a bus terminal.’

    Read more:

  11. KG says:

    ‘THE Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest assessment reportedly admits its computer drastically overestimated rising temperatures, and over the past 60 years the world has in fact been warming at half the rate claimed in the previous IPCC report in 2007.

    More importantly, according to reports in British and US media, the draft report appears to suggest global temperatures were less sensitive to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide than was previously thought…’

  12. MvL says:

    If you find “The cup Song” irritating, (And who could blame you), :grin:
    Don’t go here.
    But I think ‘The Kids Are All Right’

  13. thor42 says:

    Looks like Abbott’s government will be turning back the boat-people ASAP –

    Quote – “Prime Minister elect Tony Abbott says Australia’s contentious new policy on asylum seekers that includes turning back their boats to Indonesia will begin on Wednesday when his government is sworn in. ”

    Good stuff! I only wish he would go even further and kick out every single boat-person arriving in Aussie since the days of the Howard government. They arrived in Australia illegally so they
    should GTFO.

    • Ronbo says:

      The USA has a policy of “wet feet/dry feet” – if the boat people can somehow reach the coast, they are granted a hearing by INS; however, on the high seas the boat is taken over by the Coast Guard and towed back to the country of origin, which is usually Cuba.

      …very effective policy, as Castro is hard on returned boat people.

  14. mistress mara says:

    The old chap is back in hospital with a kidney stone, the matriarch is dying in a bloody nursing home so I’m checking out for now. Love you all. :cry: :cry: