Arrrrrgh shiver me timbers it’s an important announcement!

Avast!September 19th be the official International Talk Like a Pirate day!So stock your shot,powder and Grog thar be a Pillaging in the wind!

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5 Responses to Arrrrrgh shiver me timbers it’s an important announcement!

  1. KG says:

    Aaaargh! Them as dies’ll be the lucky ones, Jim. :twisted:

  2. thor42 says:

    Ay, it is, matey…..

    I be hopin’ that our pirates grab that bit o’ treasure by the name o’ the America’s Cup…… arrrrrrrr……. ;)

  3. KG says:

    That ain’t treasure, ye swab, that be fool’s gold.

  4. Darin says:

    Aye,going after some Pirate Booty me self :mrgreen: