‘..To those of us who have been following the climate debate for decades, the next few years will be electrifying. There is a high probability we will witness the crackup of one of the most influential scientific paradigms of the 20th century, and the implications for policy and global politics could be staggering…’ source
and here
Of course, the remains linger, as a faith for idiots and a grandstand for political weasels..but it’s dead.
Update: The corpse is still twitching.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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This is one scam that shouldn’t just pass from view as if it never happened. Real science is damn important and right now the institution is broken. The need to accurately and without bias understand what the AGW hysteria and the “scientific consensus” was all about is a critical one for anyone not interested in retreating back to the 16th century.
The sad aspect of this weird scam is that it was believed by a large swathe of the general population. This raises the questions: Are we really any better educated? Sophisticated? Rational? Informed? Questioning?…..than our superstitious primitive ancestors…No!
“The sad aspect of this weird scam is that it was believed ….”
I wish I could agree with the past tense in that sentence.
Truth is there are still a huge number of so-called influential people, who continue
to preach doom if we don’t bow to their God of Heat.
“Preaching doom” is not congruent with believing. I suggest that those who still pump this garbage do not do so from held beliefs but rather to persist in the left’s agenda to destroy capitalism. My concern is with those who came to believe this stuff due to their inability or reluctance to at least attempt to think it through.
While I am well aware the scam has a ways to go before it collapses, I have to ask…How can something that never was cease to be?
Has it rung down the curtain and joined the Choir Invisibule? Oh, if only. But a good scam never dies. You know, like how guns cause murders, the way flies cause garbage and spoons cause obesity?
The Left relies upon “the deactivation of history” (Clarence Carson) and the generally present-oriented mindset of Americans to divorce us from the accumulated evidence. That makes it possible for them to use the same scare tactics repeatedly — and to persuade millions of people that “this time it will be different,” both as regards the danger and the proposed statist remediation. I don’t know if it’s the same in Australia, but here it’s a frighteningly effective tactic.
Yes, it’s the same in Australia, Francis. And as long as the MSM controls the information and conservative politicians allow that, nothing will change.
Not to worry fellow Crusaders – The Leftists have kicked off their next Great Hoax in The Seattle Times with a week long series of articles that ended yesterday:
It’s called “Ocean Acidification”
unless we buy ocean acidification credits from Algore or the United Nations.
This was predicted by my good friend Alan Caruba in 2010:
We Patriot bloggers are on to the Left’s next dirty little game!
The left’s next dirty little game will be to shut down patriot bloggers.
We’re not an especially influential voice but we’re nonetheless in their sights. With Gillard and Conroy gone we dodged a bullet here in Oz, but it will happen, sooner or later.
Once again, Great Minds Think Alike
Indeed, it is almost inevitable in the next three years that Obama will order Internet 1.0 shutdown in favor of Internet 2.0 that will only allow registered and vetted Progressives to publish online.
Of course, all the old stuff on Internet 1.0 will disappear with a click of the delete button at NSA.
This is the reason Glenn Beck and other patriots are buying old books, newspapers, magazines, etc. and storing them all over the country in safe places.
Have you heard about the black list, blue list and red list
Rumor control has it that Homeland Security puts all those they know who disagree with the government on the black list. The people DHS thinks are national security risks – like yours truely – are placed on the blue (watch) list whereby their locations will be known if the president decides to arrest them.
The Red List
If you’re on that one, you won’t be for long, this is termination with extreme prejudice

It is believed by many patriots that Andrew Breitbart was an early victim of Obama’s assassination campaign against high level opponents and apparently Breitbart was murdered because of a TV special he was doing on Obama.
Dangerous times, heh
“Ocean Acidification and Calcifying Clams
Range, P., Chicharo, M.A., Ben-Hamadou, R., Pilo, D., Matias, D., Joaquim, S., Oliveira, A.P. and Chicharo, L. 2011. Calcification, growth and mortality of juvenile clams Ruditapes decussatus under increased pCO2 and reduced pH: Variable responses to ocean acidification at local scales? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 396: 177-184.
In introducing their study, the authors write that “whether and how ocean acidification will affect marine organisms, ecosystems and the goods and services they provide is currently a topic of great concern,” and in their specific case that concern is directed towards juvenile clams of coastal marine ecosystems, since they say these shellfish “link primary productivity with upper trophic levels” and “are also important economic resources for fisheries and aquaculture.”
What was done
In an experiment designed to test the effects of increased pCO2 and reduced pH of seawater on the calcification, growth and mortality of juvenile Ruditapes decussatus clams, Range et al. conducted a 75-day controlled CO2 perturbation experiment, where the carbonate chemistry of seawater was manipulated by diffusing pure CO2 into natural seawater to attain two reduced pH levels (by -0.4 and -0.7 pH unit compared to un-manipulated seawater), hypothesizing that under these conditions the juvenile clams would exhibit: (1) reduced net calcification, (2) reduced growth of the shell and soft tissue, and (3) increased mortality.
What was learned
At the conclusion of their experiment, the eight researchers say that they found “no differences among pH treatments in terms of net calcification, size or weight of the clams,” disproving the first two of their three hypotheses. Their third hypothesis also proved to be wrong — doubly wrong, in fact — for not only was juvenile clam mortality not increased in the low pH seawater, they say that mortality was significantly reduced in the acidified treatments, which was something they describe as a truly “unexpected result.”
What it means
The Portuguese scientists conclude their paper by noting that life is intriguingly complex and that “the generalized and intuitively attractive perception that calcification will be the critical process impacted by ocean acidification is being increasingly challenged,” citing Widdicombe and Spicer (2008) and Findlay et al. (2009) in this regard. And we note that the results of their own study further contribute to this emerging perception.
Findlay, H.S., Wood, H.L., Kendall, M.A., Spicer, J.I., Twitchett, R.J. and Widdicombe, S. 2009. Calcification, a physiological process to be considered in the context of the whole organism. Biogeosciences Discussions 6: 2267-2284.
Widdicombe, S. and Spicer, J.I. 2008. Predicting the impact of ocean acidification on benthic biodiversity: what can animal physiology tell us? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 366: 187-197.
Reviewed 8 June 2011″
Great stuff, Robert! Thanks for that.