Seeking asylum – and breast job

‘ASYLUM-SEEKERS have asked doctors for breast enlargements, IVF treatment and botox, according to the former director of medical health services for Australia’s offshore asylum processing network.
Ling Yoong, who helped set up medical services on Nauru and Manus Island and worked on Christmas Island, said the cosmetic operations were requested when asylum-seekers underwent other regular medical checks and necessary treatment…’
From The Australian (subscription required.)

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2 Responses to Seeking asylum – and breast job

  1. Mathew says:

    Far out, is this for real? Please tell me these requests were met with an angry – F**** off bludger!

    • KG says:

      It looks like it’s for real, all right.
      I’ve been trying to work out where this huge sense of entitlement comes from, and all I can conclude is that it stems from cowardly, PC ignoramus Westerners constantly apologizing to these barbarian bastards.