Getting nervous, are they?

LA Times to No Longer Print Letters that Disagree with Global Warming
In other news, Pravda will no longer print any letters that say Putin sucks…’
I’ve never, in a long lifetime, seen such a blatant admission by a newspaper that its prime function is act as a propaganda outlet. But at least they’re more upfront about it than the Brit Guardian and Australia’s ABC.

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2 Responses to Getting nervous, are they?

  1. Ronbo says:

    Clearly a sign that the critics of AGW are winning :!: :mrgreen:

    Question: Who reads the L.A. Times anymore :?:

    The New Media have almost put them out of business.

  2. Mathew says:

    Wow, they’re so tired of trying to dispel the skeptics, it’s just far easier to silence them altogether. Shame on them, it will bite them in the ass though, their echo chamber will get smaller.