‘Just high-spirited Aussies enjoying their overseas holiday. No big deal.’
As NSW burns, ABC Local Radio raises money for Syria.

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18 Responses to ‘ALL THE FUN OF THE HAJJ’

  1. mawm says:

    At least they are keeping it in the family. Would one call it ‘incest’ when they rape fellow muslims? :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    I doubt the word exists in muslimspeak, Mawm.
    It’s an insult to human beings to call these assholes “Aussies”. :evil: They are not and never will be.

  3. Mathew says:

    They only threatened to kill the men and rape and enslave the women, those must be the more gentler among them.

  4. Seneca III says:

    “You’ve got to look on the bright side of life!” Head bangers throttling other head bangers can only be good for the rest of us. Every little bit helps and will keep our future ammunition bills down. Also it may give our ears a bit of a rest in the meantime – it’s very difficult to scream ‘Alahu Akhbar’ with a crushed windpipe (Please don’t ask me how I know this.) :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      I’m almost beyond anger where islam and its idiot Western supporters are concerned.
      Perhaps the time has come to aid the Shia sect and provide all the arms they ask for.
      And arm the Sunni sect and provide all the arms they ask for.
      Then televise the resulting carnage every day during commercial breaks.
      At the same time, seal off all exits from muslim countries and sink any illegal refugee boats.
      Declare islam to be a terrorist organization.
      Buy a small African country.
      Deport muslims from Western countries – including any westerners who have converted to islam – to that country.
      Demolish all mosques or convert them to piggeries or bacon factories.

      • Phil Stephenson says:

        ” …. Demolish all mosques or convert them to piggeries or bacon factories. … ” :razz: :lol: :razz: :smile:

    • mawm says:

      That Xray does not look like that of a baby in utero! :roll:

      The doctor “repeating” these “rumours” is an attention seeking leftist wanker. He’s been in the headlines before doing miraculous things in the Congo and in Haiti.

      • KG says:

        Now that’s interesting! I thought that bullet had stopped in a very convenient spot, with too little damage for that calibre.
        Smoke and mirrors…..and all repeated without question when it suits the MSM’s agenda.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Afraid you didn’t get that quite right KG. The last two items should be combined to read:

    Incarcerate all muslims in Western countries in the mosques in those countries and convert the grounds to piggeries forcing the muslims to raise the pigs.

    • KG says:

      Well, that’d just a be a bit of fine-tuning, Michael. :lol:

      • Seneca III says:

        Aw, come on guys, give some thought for the pigs. These animals are smart, social organisms who don’t genitally circumcise their females or ‘honour kill’ them, don’t wander about screaming ‘Aluha Akhbar’ (loosely translated as ‘I’ve only got two neurones to rub together so this is all I can do in order to demonstrate the full depth of my intellect’) and who spend their Friday mornings (the pigs, that is)free foraging for a living rather than banging their heads on the floor (the Muslims, that is) for a couple as hours as their primitive retard of an Imam drones on in the background about killing anybody who doesn’t buy into the ‘Religion of Peace’.

        Just sayin’ – as always in the cause of non-racist multiculturism. (well, perhaps not entirely http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_whistle3.gif)

  6. KG says:

    Absolutely–any pig is a far more admirable animal. Which is why they ought to be given comfortable mosques to live in. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif