China rising.

Be very worried. And should this come to pass, do Australia and New Zealand really think the Chinese won’t extend their Pacific sphere to include our countries on the pretext of protecting their nationals and investments? What’s to stop them?

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21 Responses to China rising.

  1. mawm says:

    They already own most of Africa ………… although they do find the local workers unreliable and tiresome. :roll:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese navy steamed up the Waitemata harbour one morning and said “kapow, kapow, you’re now ours”. They would then have a good supply of fresh meat and milk for their citizens AND a base to launch attacks on the east coast of Ostraya.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      “although they do find the local workers unreliable and tiresome.” Ha ha the Chinese have a lot to learn about Africa, they are on a hiding to nothing. It took us 350 years to learn that.

      • KG says:

        But they’re likely to use somewhat more brutal methods to bring their workers into line, non?

        • mawm says:

          Yep. The guy in Zim just pulled out a gun and shot the worker. :shock:

          I keep on saying that the new colonial masters are going to a lot worse than the last……..although it’ll be hard to beat the Belgians. :roll:

  2. KG says:

    I wouldn’t exactly be amazed either, Mawm. What would the U.N. do, send them a stiffly-worded letter? And right now would be the time for them to do it, given the bumbling rabble in the current U.S. Administration.
    In fact that mob would regard a communist take-over as a feature, not a bug.

  3. KG says:

    And I dislike Chinese food. :evil:

  4. Tom says:

    Apart from the food {all tastes the same to me.} we might be better off.The govt. have just announced a 31million package for maori education.Aparrently they are too stupid for the system that everyone else uses.Then of course there is an election next year.Cynical? me never.

  5. mawm says:

    @Tom – I wonder if there is a way to find out how much tax payer money is spent on Maori only things – education, health, welfare, etc. But of course I’m racist to even ask.

    I’m sure that it would raise a few eyebrows even if the treaty settlements were excluded.

  6. thor42 says:

    Agreed, KG. They could take NZ any time and nothing could stop them.

    • KG says:

      That’s a cheery thought, isn’t it, Thor?
      We in the west urgently need to deliver a bucket of Instant Sunshine&#0153 or two to a couple of cesspits in order to remind the world that the old wolf still has fangs–and isn’t utterly predictable.

  7. KG says:

    But I’m not hopeful, given this kind of thing:
    ‘Karzai: Obama Admin Said Taliban ‘Not Our Enemies’
    Last year, during my visit to Washington, in a very important briefing a day before I met U.S. President [Barack Obama], his national security adviser Tom Donilon, and senior White House officials, generals, and intelligence officials, the national security adviser met with me. He told me: “The Taliban are not our enemies and we don’t want to fight them.”….’
    Mind you, Karzai is a duplicitous prick anyway, so make of that what you will…..

  8. Ronbo says:

    “And I dislike Chinese food. :evil:”

    I guess you know this means war between Australia and China :!: :mrgreen:

  9. Brown says:

    The answer to China is easy – stop buying their junk and be prepared to pay more for things that originate elsewhere. I think they are sitting on an internal time bomb as well and their middle class like the comforts of the modern age too much to throw their lot in behind sabre rattling or other colonialist endeavours if its going to cost them money. Technologically they are still well behind the west – looking good doesn’t mean it is good and they’ll cheat on you if you let your guard down.

    • Darin says:

      Too right! And a Righteous rant seen on a trades forum I frequent-

      “I’m so tired of complacent witlings who smirk about their inability to un-stop a drain, flip a breaker, or change oil in a car I could puke. Like their incompetence makes them superior somehow.

      Restore American ingenuity.

      I got the slogan: “Yes we can” but it refers to a commitment to greater undestanding and capability of every America.

      Ever read “The Notebooks of Lazarus Long” by Robert A Heinlein? Here’s one I’ve always liked: “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”

      Here’s one of my own: “Never confuse wishful thinking with hard fact. Facts you don’t like are still facts. Facts you do like may not be facts at all.”

      • Phil Stephenson says:

        ” … … Here’s one of my own: “Never confuse wishful thinking with hard fact. Facts you don’t like are still facts. Facts you do like may not be facts at all. … .. ”

        That is brilliant, and I could not agree more about, ” … complacent witlings who smirk about their inability to un-stop a drain, flip a breaker, or change oil in a car, … … “

        • Darin says:

          It’s getting worse with every passing year Phil.I swear incompetence is being practiced with religious fervor.

  10. Mathew says:

    Now we know why the Abbott govt is at pains to make friends with Indonesia. If only the c****s in the Australian left would simply let him. Those stupid prats would rather piss off the few friends we have when we can’t afford to do so.

    Notice in that article that China is pissing on Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. Throw in Japan into that mix and you’ll have a loose alliance quickly banding together to resist the Chinese if America under obama finds a way to slither around in the back. And I wouldn’t assume that as a given, even the the wrong people can be forced to find their balls and do something.

    And don’t forget India, they’re not going to just sit around while the dragon gets bigger. We’re all individually smaller and weaker than the Chinese, but i think we’ll all just as easily make friends against a common foe.

    I don’t think the Chinese will do anything too upsetting like starting a war, they ought to know they can only get away with so much.

  11. Wombat says:

    I’ve heard tell that the numbers which make up the Red Chinese Army are misleading at best. Apparently keeping all the Generals in line is a bit like herding cats. They all see themselves much like the Chinese warlords of old and few, if any, are willing to toss their troops/subjects into the meat grinder on behalf of the Emperor.

    Their military cannot be viewed with the same lens you would view a Western army with.

    • KG says:

      The problem is, Western armies can’t be viewed with the same lens we might have used twenty years ago either, Wombat.
      The lawyers and the PC mob have done their best to pussify the military. Just look at the ROE’s in Afghanistan, for example.
      And the training regimes watered down to accommodate women.

      • Ronbo says:

        It’s just the 21st century version of what Roosevelt did to the U.S. military during the 1930s – For instance, in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland and WW II started, the American Army was training with wooden rifles and cardboard tanks.

        • KG says:

          Which would be kind of reassuring, except that the tempo of war is much faster nowadays and there won’t be time to bring a flabby military up to speed.
          And senior brass nowadays are career bureaucrats, not real soldiers.