On Diana West’s ‘American Betrayal’:

‘..For many years, we had been trying to explain that unless socialism is put on trial as Nazism was put on trial, unless we establish the full truth about the Cold War, we shall never free ourselves from the de facto Soviet occupation–we shall be governed by quislings and surrounded by conformists…’  (emphasis mine)
West’s ‘American Betrayal’ Will Make History

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8 Responses to On Diana West’s ‘American Betrayal’:

  1. mawm says:

    This is why, whenever a right-wing government succeeded a left-wing one, it always made a gloomy declaration that “you cannot unscramble the eggs,” and would not try to undo the damage caused by their predecessors.

    This is so true of all successive Tory/GOP governments around the Western world. The socialist introduce massive social changes and the Tory governments run them efficiently. :evil:

    • KG says:


      • Yokel says:

        There was that short lived phase started by Maggie Thatcher in which some State assets were sold off to become private sector monopolies rather than public sector monopolies. But even that was out of favour with her party by the time of the putsch that drove her from office. This constant march to the Left has its roots much further back than many commentators give credit.

        To me, it was not the outcome of the 1920s/30s depression, or even the Great War; for the Fabian Society had been started in 1883/4. The thinking that made it possible must have been around much earlier, if only in small/incestuous groups. [This opened the way in turn for Karl Marx to develop his diatribes, Gramsci to write his screeds, and then for the Frankfurt School to declare war on civilised society with their Critical Theory.]

        How about a postulation? When Britain was at its Greatest in the middle of Victoria’s reign, I would venture to suggest that people started taking their eyes off God and instead became proud of their own achievements. For the “religion” of Socialism is mankind saying that mankind can be in charge like God, be as beneficent as God, as wise as God. And in the 150 years since, mankind has proven that it hasn’t a hope in hell of living up to these attributes!

        What Diana West documents is lots more of the fall of mankind and how the powers that be have latterly risen.

  2. Robertv says:

    The Hammer of Reality



  3. Wombat says:

    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
    Teach two men to vote and you’d better start catching three times as many fish.

    For as long as man has existed, collectivism has existed. In times when the earth was a large place and man was small, his collectivism was small. Now, the earth is small, man is large, and collectivism has grown beyond containment. This struggle will never cease.

    Watch Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto to see our future when the production of civilization is outpaced by the demands of a state gone mad.

    Men will always seek a means to live at the expense of others. Men will always seek power over other men. The best course of action we can possibly take is to rip out the weed before it takes root.
    Certainly if I survive what’s coming and live to be a free man, I will suffer no collectivists. None will be permitted to sell their snake oil within the effective range of any weapon I possess. My children will learn this and their grandchildren too. I will burn the lessons of this age into their minds in order to ensure it survives in my tribe for as long as possible. I will urge others to do likewise.

    Regardless, in a hundred years, maybe two, history will repeat itself. Of that we can be certain.

    • Ronbo says:

      Indeed, about 200 hundred years, as the history of the United States as a republic indicates…For the first two hundred years Americans were happy to live under the authoritarianism of British Empire that became unbearable after 1765 – So we threw the Brits out in in 1776 and founded a free republic with a constitution Franklin and other founders thought would checkmate any attempt at tyranny.

      Fast forward to 2013, our home grown authoritarianism is quickly becoming unbearable – and Obamacare may be the “Intolerable Act” ignites the insurrection – that will finally lead to revolution and the overthrow of what I call “The First Republic.”

      Then we start all over against with a new constitution that we hope makes the return to centralized authoritarian power impossible, but won’t in the long run…

      The cycle is endless as Aristotle noted over 300 years before the birth of Christ.

  4. KG says:

    Two fine comments, Wombat and Ronbo. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif