It’s that “warrior gene”. Again.

A 65-year-old woman is in Dunedin Hospital with facial injuries after a home invasion in Kaka Point near Balclutha last night.
..Senior Sergeant Craig Brown of Dunedin police said the offenders were described as being of Maori or Pacific Islander appearance..’
Next time you see a maori team doing the haka, remind yourself of the countless incidents such as this one. They’re not warriors, just violent cowards.
UPDATE: George Romero in comments provides a fascinating link. The media is all over this of course…not.

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9 Responses to It’s that “warrior gene”. Again.

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Police have narrowed the search down to 40,000 suspects…

  2. KG says:

    :roll: Sadly, that’s close to the truth…

  3. Ronbo says:

    ..Too bad the lady didn’t have a gun :!: :cry:

    Like I’ve said many, many times before, no government – NO GOVERNMENT :!: has the right to disarm the public – and I advocate all honest citizens”Gunning Up” and FUCK the so-called “law.”

    I well remember my elderly German landlord in Berlin (a veteran of the Eastern Front in WW II) – in violation of the very strict gun laws in the Federal Republic – had quite a nice collection of firearms and ammunition hidden all over his house in easy reach, which, btw, was never broken into because as he said, “All the bad guys in my part of Berlin know they will be shot dead if they enter my house.”

    Tough old Kraut, heh :?:

    I think he was on something good :!:

  4. George Romero says:

    Hi KG , ‘I will refuse to be victim’ should be taught to our white elders , they are literally being ‘hunted’ by racist ‘youth’ :evil:

  5. George Romero says:

    Yep , your welcome KG , iv’e been reading SBPDL for years now , thanks to your link ages ago , truth is not racist , and NZ is needs some real truth telling.

  6. KG says:

    “truth is not racist”
    perhaps we could have that unarguable truth tattooed across the forehead of every snivelling PC leftard and race demagogue, George?

    • Cadwallader says:

      “Truth” remains even when everyone ceases to agree with it!

      • Wombat says:

        β€œAn error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” Mohandas Gandhi

        Although I prefer “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” – Ayn Rand