The scumbag Narcissist-in-Chief:

‘Obama Honors Pearl Harbor Dead with Picture of Himself’

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20 Responses to The scumbag Narcissist-in-Chief:

  1. Ronbo says:

    RUSH LIMBAUGH was on the case Friday:

    BTW, El Presidente Obama has ordered all flags in the USA to be pulled down half staff in “honor” of the nigger Communist-terrorist Mandela (puke!) :evil:

  2. Findalis says:

    You expected differently?

  3. MvL says:

    Google. have the same playbook :evil:

  4. Flashman says:

    Mussolini and Stalin used to do the exact-same thing… and legions of bottle-cap chested dictators in shit holes like Paraguay and the Congo followed suit.

    The empty suit is a flippin’ joke and you just know this musical-comedy choreography is plotted to the n’th detail months in advance. This is no president but an insecure actor with an inferiority complex as wide as a Montana sky.

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    A narcissistic prick with delusions of adequacy! :evil:

  6. KG says:

    Yep. A slimy little socialist community organizer, totally out of its depth.

    • Ronbo says:


      …and Obama’s weak, low I.Q., bisexual orientation, substance abuse problem, and clearly inferior beta male personality may just be the thing to save America from a fate like Russia or China, because the real men and women of great intelligence, character and patriotism stand in opposition to the Regime.

      I can’t predict the future, but at some point in the next few years, the poop is gonna hit the fan – I have in mind an economic meltdown – The Great Global Reset – and as we have seen in Egypt and lately in the Ukraine how quickly a determined and hungry opposition can throw trash like Obama into the great dumpster of history.

      In the words of my favorite college history teacher – “No government can last more than two weeks when it can’t feed it’s own people.”

      These are the last days of the Old World Order and what comes next is gonna hurt like hell, but at the end of the day we win :!: :mrgreen:

  7. Darin says:

    To hell with the brown imposter president :evil:

    How about some people who know what they are doing delivering a message of hope.
    USAF flash mob Orchersta and Choir at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.

  8. john says:

    Obama Honors Pearl Harbor Dead With Picture of Himself

    Now if we alter that just slightly, we get…..

    Obama Honors Pearl Harbor With Picture of Himself Dead

  9. Mathew says:

    Did you see the pics of him chuckling and carrying on at the Mandela memorial. He’s consistent, he’s a pompous, self-righteous arsehole to everyone.

    I wonder how the lefties feel about that, their hero-of-the-universe is cackling away with his buddies taking pictures while the rest of them are shedding tears and tearing their under garments at the death of one of their greatest heroes.

    It’ll be a real conundrum for your average leftie, which black man to admonish.

  10. thor42 says:

    Obutthead isn’t fit to be a **street-cleaner** let alone the President of the United States.

  11. Robertv says:

    If dear leader shows he is human it’s OK

    “The only thing that picture made me feel was that for a moment they did not look like the THREE world leaders (did I mention, she is the Danish Prime Minister?) that they are. They looked human; excited; in awe of their surroundings.”

    But if a 6-year-old boy does the same it’s sexual harassment

    “The boy’s mother tells KRDO-TV her son was suspended once before for kissing the girl and had disciplinary problems, but the girl did not object to being kissed. She told the station that the two children like each other.”