More BBC horsecrap:

‘BBC receives 1,350 complaints for ‘excessive’ Mandela coverage
…BBC News director, James Harding, defended the corporation’s coverage saying Mr Mandela was a man of “singular significance” and the “most significant statesman of the last 100 years”…’

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36 Responses to More BBC horsecrap:

  1. Seneca III says:

    Ah, well, that’s Al Beeb (aka the ‘Guardian-on-Air’) for you. I really am running out of money to purchase and places to store the rope :cry:

    Going to have to checking if it’s economically feasible to start uncapping derelict mine shafts.

    • KG says:

      Excellent! Then you could re-cap the shafts, compress the gas and sell it, Seneca.
      The perfect free market solution. :grin:

  2. Hmm…where does that leave Winston Churchill, I wonder? That name would seem to carry more weight in my estimation. But then again, I’m not British. I would hazard a guess that Baroness Warsi runs a close second in the BBC’s opinion.

    • KG says:

      And Vaclav Havel and Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and…..there’s a bloody long list of contenders.

      • GW says:

        Without doubt Churchill was the most important – and prescient – historical figure of the last 100 years, but you’ll never see the BBC admit that. Indeed, in the pantheon of great British leaders, I recall the BBC listing Churchill well below Clement the Red.

        • Seneca III says:

          “most significant statesman of the last 100 years”…’

          Whatever, Ogabe is not going to be well pleased at this failure to him thus. Would have loved to have watched the tantrum his tiny little ego must have thrown for the the benefit of the when he got back to his private suite

  3. and guess what- we in the US – under “orders” from bho- are flying our flags at half mast- well some of us are–and certain sheriffs are refusing to do so-
    Half mast in the US is only for honorable US citizens–
    and – to boot- mandela was a communist!

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      CCS…and he buddied up to the likes of Kadhafi (sp? who cares?) and Castro. I don’t remember any major peace treaties he negotiated, restoration (a la the Marshall Plan) initiated, or trade agreements passed. Statesman? statist-man perhaps

  4. Cadwallader says:

    If the measure is solely “significance” then Hitler ought be on the list too?

  5. Ronbo says:

    Mandela – “most significant statesman of the last 100 years”…’ PUKE CITY :!:

    What the hell did this nigger Communist-terrorist do besides being taken care of for 27 years by the South African taxpayers in a full security condo and not ordering the massacre of white South Africans when he was “elected” president in a rigged election :?:

    Like KG said “More BBC horsecrap” – and the Global Lamestream Media actually wonders why no one watches, reads, or listens to them :!: :mrgreen:

    • mawm says:

      I don’t think the election was rigged, every melanin-positive citizen and every progressive whitey voted for him. What is clap-trap is this idea that he alone prevented a massive uprising against old whitey. He called for calm as his personal bank balance and that of the ANC was being topped up by business SA. Also SA had numerous seasoned ex military (half the adult whites) who could have been mobilised in a couple of days.

  6. Flashman says:

    Oh shyte! I’ll have to report for pc reprogramming.

    I can probably think of 100 other personalities in the last 100 years who could give a tinpot african communist the elbow. Field Marshal Jan Smuts for one.

  7. Steve Magendans says:

    I just heard on the radio . The fuckwit nz pm likened mandela to mother theresa ??????!!!!!

  8. Wombat says:

    The next famous political fuckwit to die will become the “most significant statesman of the last 100 years” and the next and the next after that.

    It’s a system of giving posthumous blowjobs to left wing figureheads, each being remembered as more important than the last.

    • George Romero says:

      Oh shit! Fidel is, kinda getting on ay.
      I can just see it now , ‘John Key honors Castro as modern day Robin Hood and likens him to Fred Hollows’ :roll:

    • Seneca III says:

      “The next famous political fuckwit to die will become the “most significant statesman of the last 100 years” and the next and the next after that.”

      I don’t really mind so long as the next one is either Ogabe or Cameron, followed immediately by other – these two could help save the West by topping themselves without any further hesitation, and they could do so confident in the knowledge that they had made a wonderful Christmas for all of us and that this selfless act would be recorded in small print somewhere in an obscure footnote to the history of these times

      • thor42 says:

        “I don’t really mind so long as the next one is either Ogabe or Cameron…”

        Agreed, and very shortly followed by almost all European so-called “leaders”.
        ( Italy is exempt – they don’t recognise Islam as a religion. Geert Wilders is exempt – he is a *hero* and patriot – but the Dutch PM gets lumped in with Cameron as far as I’m concerned. )

  9. KG says:

    “It’s a system of giving posthumous blowjobs to left wing figureheads..” :mrgreen:

  10. KG says:

    Aha! Thanks for that. :mrgreen:

  11. Mathew says:

    I think by the time this whole charade is over there will be a lot of fuming lefties out of breath. They can worship all they want but ultimately for the average man in the street they really can’t be arsed. Mandela was an African, in South Africa and did whatever over there. It’s not anyone else’s fault, it’s not whitey in general, we’re not sorry for crap we didn’t do so all the lefties can worship and grovel around on the floor by themselves.

    If they want they’re always free to start a petition, raise a few bucks and build a statue or something of him to they can attend yearly for blessings or whatever.

  12. thor42 says:

    Churchill and Thatcher are **right up there**.

    My “number one” though would probably be ENOCH POWELL.
    Him and **Allen West.**

    Powell and West equal first, just ahead of the other two.
    Mandela *nowhere*.

    • thor42 says:

      Darn, I forgot Geert Wilders. He makes equal-top position as well.

      If you expand the list to “top PEOPLE” (not just “top statesmen”) I put Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and all other fighters against Islam at the top as well.
      That includes everyone here who is against Islam (which is almost everyone here – I can’t think of anyone here who isn’t….. )