Open house

christmasWolf1And take a look at THIS  (thanks Gantt)

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53 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    No wonder South Australia is a shit-hole:
    ‘State public servants now outnumber manufacturing workers. Labor’s employment record … is a net loss of 23,000 manufacturing jobs and a net gain of 20,000 bureaucrats… When Labor came to power, the public service salary bill ate up 43 per cent of the government’s income. Now it accounts for 47 per cent, the largest figure of any state in Australia.’ (via Andrew Bolt)

  2. pmofnz says:

    More of Bruce at Has been a leader in NZ blogs for years.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Fucking scum. The only good ‘environmental activist’ is one who is a fully-functioning carbon sink!

    • Findalis says:

      Santa’s workshop is not at the North Pole. It is in the Arctic Circle but on land. The ice melts in the summer, grows back in the winter. Santa imports #1 hay and the finest feed for the reindeer. BTW the reindeer are females for only female reindeer retain their antlers in the winter. He imports the finest food for himself, Mrs Claus and the elfs. He is doing fine. Christmas will come off without a hitch. This was a fake Santa. I do believe it was made by a Palestinian.

  3. Darin says:

    Fascinating quirk in physics-

  4. KG says:

    ‘Researchers have discovered a chain of smoldering active volcanoes under the West Antarctic ice sheet — which happens to be the ice sheet that climate hysterics say is proof of man-caused global warming.’

  5. mawm says:

    Michelle cock-blocking Obama at Nelson’s memorial. :mrgreen:

  6. KG says:

    What a great series of photographs, Mawm!
    No class, any of ’em.

    • mawm says:

      Certainly a target rich environment – The Squatters, Jarrett, Holder and Rice nicely grouped. :twisted:

  7. Ronbo says:

    Six year old boy gets hit with a sexual harassment charge for kissing girl :!: :evil:

    Mother outraged, but will she pull her son out of public (government brain washing) school and opt for home school :?:

  8. Flashman says:

    Beta male empty suit runs up, bows and submissively shakes the hand of a tin-pot Latin American dictator.

    Guess who?

  9. Tom says:

    Read in the Daily Mail………Desmond Tutu ,alias the missing link,had his home burgled while he was at the Mandela funeral.Black sign of respect no doubt.

  10. mawm says:

    Watching these whippets being paraded around the ring sure beats the bulldogs I’m continually surrounded by.

    Hat tip to Theo Spark

  11. KG says:

    From this morning’s Oz Daily Telegraph:
    He single-handedly put South Africa on the map. Now tourists are flocking to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela’
    :shock: :shock: he what??

    • mawm says:


      Australians have been going to SA since the 2nd Anglo-Boer War – 20 000 of them. :mrgreen: Interesting story about how the Brits, sweating in their red coats and marching in columns of three, were just target practice for the Boers. The Aussies on the other hand wore khaki and slouch hats and were mounted. With their higher mobility and with their ability to operate in the heat they had far greater success against the Boers.

  12. HarvardPotatoHead says:


    *GDSS = gotta do some selfies – back in a minute do our friends in the 56-57th Steaks have “minutes”? or Black “Swingin’ Toothpick”Berry axd yours very truly 2 ax whatever they use down there B-cause Hillary’s first lady “Uma” wife of Anthony’s All Beef Weiner toldBlackBerry it was OK to use her as a toy in his angst empowering Viagrular experience where the onboard Harvard Medical School surgeons are preppin’ he 4 filing he stick to usual size with a chainsaw they got him tied down N 1st Class he takN he pixcchure!!! Holy Cow!!!here come Valerie all by herseff help mawm somebody helpnononostoppleasestopoooohhhaaaahhhh

  13. Contempt says:

    :shock: Hey Harvard! if they need to borry my chainsaw just holler but do not let Val use it for nothin’.

    If Harvard is on or off his meds, it seems rational that he must get back on them or add a few for good measure. Back to the eggnog yummy. They sell it in a 32 oz size also known as a “quart” in the civilized world. :roll:

    • Yokel says:

      Come off it! 32 fl. oz. is a just a shaking hand over a pint and a half. A proper quart is 40 fl. oz. In “the old country” you are allowed to use all your fingers, thumbs, and toes when counting out the fl ozs to make a pint.

  14. KG says:

    Obviously, we in the West need cultural enrichment by goat herders and head-choppers:

  15. KG says:

    Human Rights Watch only becomes interested when muslims start suffering payback. Funny, that…

  16. MvL says:

    Some cute overload for Carol :mrgreen:

    Lori Koch and her husband went to see their 5-year-old daughter Claire perform in the kindergarten Christmas program. She had no idea that Claire was going to sign all the songs, so that her deaf parents could follow along! They recorded her animated performance on video.
    Koch told Yahoo News in an email that she wasn’t expecting her daughter to sign during the performance. “The regular kids used generic hand motions while my daughter chose to use sign language, to our surprise,” she said.
    Koch told Yahoo News that she can read lips, speak and sign, while her husband, who is also deaf, uses only sign language. “ASL is the first language in our home, so our daughter has been exposed to it since birth,” she said.

    • KG says:

      I could only sit through half of that. The shameless barefaced lying is simply nauseating. The AGW bastards ought to be prosecuted for fraud. :evil:

  17. KG says:

    ‘A man convicted for the manslaughter of a 15-year-old boy has failed to get his sentence reduced on the grounds of his Maori heritage…’

  18. KG says:

    ‘What the Modern Martyr Should Know’

    ‘..The reader thus comes away from What the Modern Martyr Should Know with the wholly justified impression that virtually everything that is taught and taken for granted today in the West about Islam’s origins, teachings and history is false. Reality is murkier and darker, clouding over the sunny picture of Islam that Western leaders are so desperate for their citizens to accept today with a record of deception, violence, and supremacism stretching back far longer than most Western analysts have dared imagine.’

  19. The Gantt Guy says:

    Hmmmmm… A plane with 9 people on board goes down. 8 of them walk away with “non-life-threatening” injuries. One dies.

    The one who died? The Hawaiian official who certified Barry’s birth certificate was kosher.

    Methinks someone from the Chicago Gang was worried about a certain Health Department official suffering an attack of conscience.

    H/T Kunckledraggin

  20. Darin says:

    First recorded snow fall in Cairo in 100 years-,0,1691393.story#axzz2nMzV6vMp

    Snow storm hits Israel,power outages in Jerusalem-

    I just knew I shouldn’t have BBQ’d all those Steaks this summer and now my decision not to buy a Prius has doomed millions to an icy death……oh,well,better luck next phoney climate crisis :mrgreen: