Mad, mad totalitarian Britain:

British Man Arrested for Making Nelson Mandela Joke
A SHOP boss was arrested and quizzed by police for eight hours for cracking Nelson Mandela jokes on the internet.
Neil Phillips said he was fingerprinted, DNA-swabbed and had his computers seized.
The 44-year-old was held after posting: “My PC takes so long to shut down I’ve decided to call it Nelson Mandela.”
Another read: “Free Mandela – switch the power off.”
But police swooped after a councillor complained over the gags about the former South African leader, who passed away on Thursday, aged 95.’
UPDATE: The parasitic piece of shit who made the complaint:

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42 Responses to Mad, mad totalitarian Britain:

  1. Seneca III says:

    The (Liberal Democrat) scum bag** that complained and hence encouraged the Thought Police to give this guy as much grief as they could is:

    ”Councillor (Tim) Jones is a Member of the Town Council for Etching Hill Ward…he is a barrister specialising in town and country planning, who studied at Cambridge University and the London School of Economics!…Tim is a fully accredited mediator and has established ‘Mediation Rugeley and Brereton’. Under this volunteer unpaid mediators provide a service that seeks to help resolve disputes between neighbours and other local people is free to local residents. Rugeley Town Council, Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council and Brindley Heath Parish Council support the scheme.” [From Rugeley Council Website (My bold and exclamation mark – SIII)]

    P.S. **His photograph is in your e-mail, KG, if it’s any use to you.

    • KG says:

      The LSE, eh…that hotbed of commie stirrers and scumbags. (but I repeat myself)
      Thanks Seneca, I’ll go take a look in my mail.

  2. Seneca III says:

    P.P.S: My computer never shuts up – I’ve named it Hussein Ogabe and, no, “…its nothing to do with Islam”, Dave, and I’m surprised that the blonde you and the Kenyan were trying for a spit roast with didn’t whack you both with a Viking war axe.

  3. Robertv says:

    It is British Prime Minister David Cameron who made the biggest Nelson Mandela joke on the internet.

    This funeral was littered by scum bags.

  4. KG says:

    I’m far more interested in how a once (relatively) free country could descend so fast into fascism. It will most certainly happen in Australia, NZ and America too. We should learn the lesson from the Brits and forget any idea of civilized political debate–or reform via the ballot box. Britain shows where that delusion will lead us.

    • Ronbo says:

      Great minds think alike.

      The issues of the day can only be settled by brute force. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      SA has taken the typical course an African-Marxist ‘liberation’ government, although it will last longer than those with a smaller economy. Historically it takes about 20 years for the last vestiges of European colonialism to disappear.

      SA’s second President, the son of an avowed communist and terrorist, was educated at the LSE. Quelle surprise!

  5. The free expression of ideas has been taking a steady beating in the West for more than a decade. George Orwell was right in his idea that politicians and activists would attempt to control the language in an attempt to control the mind. A few years back, a pub owner was arrested in the U.K. for posting news articles out of the local paper on his bulletin board. Trouble was that all of the articles were about Muslim terrorism and it was seen by two law enforcement officers, who had him arrested for hate speech.

    These incidents occur throughout the Western world and even impact our children as one six year old boy here in the United States fights a charge of sexual harassment and suspension for kissing a girl on the cheek. The left has been indoctrinating our children for decades, and it is now possible to see the effect of that bias in our societies.

    One day we may face our own 3:00 am visit from the secret police and nobody will even ask what happened to us because they are afraid of the same thing happening to them. That is the ultimate goal of the people who are behind this trend.

    • Wombat says:

      “One day we may face our own 3:00 am visit from the secret police and nobody will even ask what happened to us because they are afraid of the same thing happening to them.”

      I contend that it’s much worse. Your neighbor will, wide eyed, tell the newspapers “I never realized they were a hatemonger but I’m sure glad they were caught and removed from the community.”

      They aren’t going to bother with the secret police. It’s bad for the image. It gives the impression you’ve got something to hide or that your target is anything less than 100% guilty. They will go in at midday with as many witnesses as possible and try you on trumped up charges for things that weren’t even illegal fifteen years ago.

      Finally, if you manage to beat the charges, your life will be ruined anyway and you’ll be the social equivalent of a leper. Any political activism on your part will be seen as proof positive or your criminality and nobody will touch you with a ten foot pole. They wont even allow you a passport to leave the nation that betrayed you. You will be a prisoner in your own society.

      THAT is how it works right now. Forget about the future. It looks no different from today.

      • KG says:

        Welcome to the nightmare…….the tyranny enabled and abetted by the stupid, the uninformed, the cowardly.

  6. KG says:

    “One day we may face our own 3:00 am visit from the secret police and nobody will even ask what happened to us because they are afraid of the same thing happening to them. That is the ultimate goal of the people who are behind this trend.”
    Hits the nail squarely on the head. (but I’d substitute will for may.)

    It’s not even necessary for them to ban free speech overtly, when the bastards can criminalise any speech on a politician’s or bureaucrat’s whim.

  7. mawm says:

    Pastor Martin Niemöller –

    First they came for the Communists,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Communist.

    Then they came for the Socialists,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.

    The problem now is that the communists, the socialists and the trade unionists are the ones who will be coming for us. They have learned from history whereas we haven’t.

    • KG says:

      We surely haven’t learned a damn thing. The problem is, those people who even bother to think about these things too often work from the assumption that people are inherently decent.
      Even if that’s true, what it means is that those who are not decent and trustworthy will the ones who gravitate to positions of power over the population, since the qualities necessary to succeed in politics and the bureaucracy are anything but admirable. To put it mildly.
      Couple that attitude to a stubborn refusal to recognise that evil exists and must be opposed and you have the average voting sheeple.
      It was ordinary voting sheeple who herded Jews and Gypsies and homosexuals into the cattle wagons…….on the orders of the masters they lacked the courage to defy.

      • mawm says:

        Middle class whites are just to “naice”, they believe everybody, they try to help everybody and most of all they don’t want to be tainted by the slur of being called a racist. As long as Sainsbury’s and Tescos are there for them to get their fresh produce and their services work why should they shift from their “naice” comfortable lives. The last white Englishman will still continue to “naice” to the muslim who is about to behead him.

        • Flashman says:

          Nailed it.

          Shopping, football, pub, gardening and being nice…poms are sheep when some fool in a wolf suit bangs on their door and growls “Boo!”.

    • Spot on. A number of my fellow bloggers have retreated from the field because they saw this coming and wanted to get out of the way. I think that the time to stand for what you believe is coming sooner, rather than later.

  8. Flashman says:

    The empty suit runs up, bows submissively and touches hands with baby brother castro.
    Perhaps they’re related?

    Somehow I can’t see Ike Eisenhower doing that.

    Agreed – main story – the average pom is “too nice” and easily cowed. They object and whine instead of rolling their sleeves up and confronting those non-entities who make them their bitches.

    I recall my father-in-law (6th SA Armoured Div) describing how a mob of pommie infantry who’d just come out the line in Italy (winter 1944) were herded around like sheep by yelling NCO’s to do totally meaningless and unnecessary close order drill. No tossing the tormentors down the dunny, just dumb obedience.

    “Colonials” had a very different and much more healthy attitude towards tin-pot base wallah authority…sounds like a Russian word ending in “off”.

    • mawm says:

      ……by yelling NCO’s to do totally meaningless and unnecessary close order drill.

      Sounds a bit like my basic training. Never learned a damn thing of any use at all.

  9. KG says:

    :twisted: ‘first, we un-make the individual….”

    • mawm says:

      That has to be an ex NCO talking………..

        • Ronbo says:

          “I recall my father-in-law (6th SA Armoured Div) describing how a mob of pommie infantry who’d just come out the line in Italy (winter 1944) were herded around like sheep by yelling NCO’s to do totally meaningless and unnecessary close order drill. No tossing the tormentors down the dunny, just dumb obedience. ”

          The British army didn’t change much in 30 years, because as a member of U.S. Army Military Intelligence we used to monitor the tactical radios of the British infantry on field problems in West Berlin where I was stationed in the 1970s – and we could hear the NCOs chewing out the troops for small military sins like saying, “over and out” on the radio instead of the required, “out” at the end of a transmission.

          There was this one British sergeant in particular that we thought was really REALLY chicken shit with his troops, so on the last day of the field exercise one of our guys who could do an English accent called him up on T.R. and posed as a Brit captain and chewed him out for various minor military sins in a transmission that could heard by everyone in the British sector :!: :mrgreen:

          What comes around, goes around, heh :?:

  10. KG says:

    All armies suffer from pretty much the same quirks and problems. Which is probably why soldiers feel some affinity with all soldiers everywhere.

  11. Oswald Bastable says:

    After Elton John re-released Candle In The Wind in memory of Diana, it was announced Motorhead are doing the same for Nelson Mandela. Ace of Spades is available from tomorrow.

    • Seneca III says:

      How about using a black actor to remake ‘Rambo’ – they could call it…???
      Use your imagination, Guys

      • KG says:

        Is “Sambo” too obvious? :lol:

        • Seneca III says:

          Not precisely, KG, I was thinking of “Obambo” (burning down America?) but of course there could be endless variations on this theme :mrgreen:
          How about “Flashmobambo”, “” “Freephoneambo” or even “Foodstampambo” for example. Over to you guys

  12. KG says:


  13. nominto says:

    wonder how long this one will last before someone bans it..
    I liked the smack and crack party pack skit