FFS, get a life Masso!

‘CLOTHING brand Country Road is backpeddling (sic) today after it snubbed a customer complaint and sparked a social media storm over the skin colour of its models.
When email complaints from Melbourne design director Richard Masso were ignored, he took to the company’s facebook page to post his concerns regarding the apparent lack of cultural diversity in its advertising.
The clothing in its latest catalogue, he said, adorned only anglo saxon models….’

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9 Responses to FFS, get a life Masso!

  1. As a white woman- I am “out-raged” at the number of blacks (disproportionate their numbers) who dominate the ads—-
    Let’s have an equal representation – according to stats-

    There- do I sound like a ‘good’ ‘progressive’!

    • Seneca III says:

      I noticed this a long time back, C-CS, and it’s not just in retail advertising, it’s prevalent in political glad-handing propaganda shots and virtually any form of social photojournalism – except of course with respect to the serious rioting, looting and arson in London a couple of years ago when the ‘ethnic representation’ was predominant, particularly in the more violent aspects of this enrichment process, but the reporting thereof deliberately attempted to imply the reverse. This happened in all of the print and electronic media both during the carnage and later in its legal aftermath when all of the white scum who had been arrested were charged, sentenced and paraded first in high profile detail whilst the ethnic contingent were dealt with later with a lower media profile and much lower (reported) numbers.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • mawm says:

      C-CS – don’t forget the token black in everything that comes out of Hollywood. It has been going on for decades to subliminally make us believe that this is normal society.

      • KG says:

        Of course–and it’s usually the black guy who shows the white guy how it’s done and the path of righteousness etc.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The fact that modern civilization owes more to Caucasians than any other race is of course not important when advertising modern products.

    Not only ethnic correctness but there is an inordinate representation of non-heterosexual individuals as well *puke*

  3. Ronbo says:

    I say it’s RACIST to comment on a person’s RACE :!:

    Besides the WASP females are the most beautiful women on the Planet Earth :!:

    Hey now, I just tell it like it is… :cool:

  4. Contempt says:

    Recently while on Main Street in my hometown, a friend commented how diverse the city is. Yuk.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!STP*!!!Anytime Cointempt says anything it’s like he has a chip on his shoulder.
    BlackBerry told me to twerp that one. iiieeeyyiiihere comes Valerie with her chainsaw got to go tata HarvardPotatoHead
    *STP = Sales Tax on Pussy

  6. dondiego says:

    I’ll be buying myself a couple of hundred bucks worth of Country Road gear, then. Article doesn’t say if Sri Lankan designer had his designs returned…
    But then in my experience self-righteous dark citizens don’t go back to their own country to cry about it (excepting of course the ones fleeing before the taxman catches them).
    I wish to Christ whites could have ONE thing. Even just ONE thing without some alien interrupting.
    Although looking at the headlines here before opening this post (I’m talking Boers) I guess they do :?: