‘What will it take?’

‘..What will it take to convince the ersatz aristocracy of frivolous intellectuals and brainless celebrities, partisan journalists, editors and academics, and an indifferent or deluded laity that they are heading for a crisis that will change our lives immeasurably for the worse? The evidence is beyond dispute.
America is drowning in a state of unredeemable debt — $17 trillion in actual debt and, according to economic historian Niall Ferguson, in the vicinity of $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities, while one in five households depends on food stamps. At the same time, it is printing money like there’s no tomorrow — and there may not be — while subsidizing green energy fiascos at enormous cost to the taxpayer ($90 billion in wasted stimulus funds, and counting). It finds itself in the throes of a metastasizing race war, caused in no small degree by the president’s rhetoric and behavior and fomented by his attorney general. It is a country increasingly governed by executive fiat and by an administration rocked by a near-endless gyre of political and ideological scandals. It is a country whose federal government opposes voter ID, opening the door to electoral corruption. It is a country that spies on its own citizens, software corporations and web search engines, tries avowed terrorists in civilian courts, allows its ambassador and his entourage to be killed, without reprisal, and suffers its higher echelons to be riddled with Muslim Brotherhood operatives, giving the impression of a College of mujtahids. They are the advance cohort. “Today,” writes Larry Kelley in his sobering book Lessons from Fallen Civilizations, “millions of militant Muslims awake every morning plotting the destruction of the US. Many are among us.” And there will be more, if these reports of fast-tracking the citizenship applications of large numbers of Muslim immigrants are reliable, as they appear to be.

It is a country whose president purges its military — 197 senior officers, including nine commanding generals — as did Turkey’s autocratic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan to ensure the continuity of his regime. It is a country that refuses to defend its borders, even suing to keep them as porous as possible. It is a country shifting precipitously to the Left, now mired in the exorbitant socialist travesty of Obamacare built on an ascending pyramid of lies and false enrollment numbers — or in the words of L.A. County Deputy District Attorney Patrick Frey at his Patterico blog, “they’re not just lying about politics now. They’re lying about data. They’re lying about everything. All the time. Constantly. It’s what you have to do to prop up an unsustainable government. … You lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie.”….’
The whole thing HERE     no wonder it’s currently Lucianne’s “most read”.

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31 Responses to ‘What will it take?’

  1. KG says:

    Mark Steyn:
    ‘..But how heartening, as one watches the viral video of Obama droning on while a mere foot and a half away Mr. Jantjie rubs his belly and tickles his ear, to think that the White House’s usual money-no-object security operation went to the trouble of flying in Air Force One, plus the “decoy” Air Force One, plus support aircraft, plus the 120-vehicle motorcade or whatever it’s up to by now, plus a bazillion Secret Service agents with reflector shades and telephone wire dangling from their ears, to shepherd POTUS into the secured venue and then stand him onstage next to an $85-a-day violent schizophrenic…’

  2. Flashman says:

    Good morning Zimbabwe.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    The new budget proposed by the House of Representatives may provide the stimulus for another 2010 election result. I could not believe anyone would praise such a tax and spend fiasco purporting to be a budget. I mean $23 billion reduction in the deficit over 10 years (or did I hear incorrectly?) is beyond a joke.

    Senator DeMint does point out the Republicans have little choice at the moment


    However, for the House Leadership to criticize the conservatives and not point out how the Democrats are holding the nation to ransom, is stupid. Many of the establishment will (and should) now be ‘primaried’ and hopefully lose what influence they have.

  4. Darin says:

    The current economic numbers they are flaunting are a complete fantasy.The stock market is up because the Fed is still pumping.The unemployment numbers are down because of Holiday temporary hires,government workers who were re-hired after the shutdown ended and all those people having their hours cut to 29 per week because of Obamacare.

    The budget is a distraction,conservatives don’t need to fall into it.Give the rat bastard dems what they want this year (what’s another Trillion at this point?????) and keep the heat on Obama and all his lies.Don’t do anything more to stop Obamacare,let the folks feel the heat from it,they need the pain,pain is a learning tool.We need to do everything we can to see to it that people absolutely hate this bastard and want him out before 2016.

    • mawm says:

      Nobody wants to acknowledge the truth – the stock markets are up and house prices are up, the costs of fuel and groceries are up…… because of the decreased purchasing power of the dollar. It is not because of greedy Boomers. It’s not because the rich aren’t taxed enough, it’s not because of “unfairness”, etc.

      This is worldwide.

      What does this mean to you? It is plain and simple inflation on a massive scale……….but it is being hidden from you as all our countries are keeping their bank rates (overnight cash rate, etc) down. (Some would say that it is a conspiracy cooked up by the IMF and the UN at all these G8 and G20 meetings).

      In effect your salaries are plummeting while your cost of living is increasing, and the value of your savings is being eroded. Life is going to be tough for some time. Money in blue-chip shares, gold coins, art, etc. will be inflation beaters. Thanks Barry, you useless f*^king wanker, and the army of “progressives” who sit behind the throne (while you are unable/unwilling to do anything other than watch ESPN and party) are writing all your communist laws. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif

      • Darin says:

        Yep,that’s why my investment strategy is centered around the three B’s –
        With a few thousand shares of Lead backed by Sulphur,Carbon and Potassium Nitrate as “futures”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif

        • thor42 says:

          Good on you Darin!

          If the brown stuff hits the fan, you’ll be very welcome down here in New Zealand!
          There is a good solid core of us take-no-BS right-wingers down here. More are always welcome.

        • mawm says:

          T42 – Where are all these right wingers? There are a few who hang around here, a few at Terry’s blog but as for the rest…….. whale oil is not, no minister have Adolf who is a Key apologist, kiwiblog is a sewer of progressive thought, etc.

          NZ is second to the UK with hand-wringing fear of being labelled a racist, its Tory party has followed Clark’s direction and even done things even she would not have done, and has even embraced the ‘wreckers and haters’. :roll:

        • rivoniaboy says:

          Save yourself the bother and head straight to Australia unless of course you wish to live in a country- NZ run by women and children.

    • thor42 says:

      @Darin – “Don’t do anything more to stop Obamacare,let the folks feel the heat from it, [strong]they need the pain,pain is a learning tool[/strong]. We need to do everything we can to see to it that people absolutely hate this bastard and want him out before 2016.”


      I feel exactly the same way about the UK and Europe.
      The so-called “leaders” there are like a five-year-old poking a knife into a power-socket. No matter HOW much you warn them, they seem to have to experience the pain before they learn anything.

      ( As for the people of those countries themselves – almost without exception, they are a bunch of cowardly appeasers. )

      So, yeah – I **can’t wait** for the first country in Europe to completely fall to Islam so I can say to the boneheaded bastards – “we TOLD you so.”

  5. KG says:

    ‘.. for many years, the job of the Republican leadership has essentially been to run interference for the Democrats’ advancement of socialism. Why? Because the interests of the power brokers on both sides transcend parties. They have decided that America – and probably the world, eventually – will be an oligarchical collective, a global slave state managed by narcissistic elites whose nests have long since been feathered.
    In such a case, it will take nothing short of Divine Intervention or civil war to save America…’

    • Ronbo says:

      I’m sure that’s the plan by the oligarchy to conquer the world… :evil:

      But then Hitler had the same plan, Stalin had the same plan. Mao had the same plan. Napoleon had the same plan. Caesar had the same plan. Alexander had the same plan… :shock:

      What did the poet say :?:

      Something about the best laid schemes of mice and men.

      Man proposes…

      God disposes…

  6. The U.S. is deteriorating, there is no doubt about that. The loss of international influence, prestige, and failure to support freedom worldwide, is nothing compared to the rot at our core. Rome fell the same way. To all outward appearances it was a mighty nation. Inward, it was rotten. One strong wind and it collapsed into ruination.

    The U.S. is in exactly the same circumstance. Our economy is a house of cards. Our government has abandoned common sense and public responsibility while deceiving the public on numerous topics and forging false data to support their cheery predictions, our military can no longer fight a war on two fronts, and half of the American public are now on some form of government assistance. Worse, we no longer have the manufacturing capacity to bootstrap our economy as we did prior to WWII, and we are no longer the people and culture that won the Cold War.

    I believe that we are in the calm before the storm and all we lack is a Nero that can play as we burn when the storm finally hits. The most potent weapon that can be used against us toady is not the nuke. A series of economic attacks would prove far worse than any nuclear strike and would likely collapse our economy and that would start the dominos falling all around the world as the ripples spread.

    Not a pretty picture, I know, but we are just a shadow of what we were when Bush left office and it is only getting worse.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Roman government in one form or another lasted over 2,000 years from Rome’s foundation as a city-state in 753 B.C. to the final chapter in 1453 A.D. when finally overrun by Islam after a heroic 600 plus years struggle with the Muslims :!: :shock:

      But today the American republic that modeled itself on the ancient Roman Republic in little over 200 years, is said to be on its death bed by many pundits :sad:

      What can I say except that Doom and Gloom always sells :?:


      Yes, Western “Democratic” Socialism appears to be a giant.

      I agree: He is a giant.

      But the giant has economic feet of clay and a drawer full of I.O.U.s :!: :shock:

      …and castles built in the air ALWAYS crash back to earth.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

      • Darin says:

        Ron,I have for sometime felt that the entire world is balancing on a razors edge.Meaning things could go either way.

        On the one hand we have so much amazing technology and so much potential to live lives our fore fathers could never even dream of with much more ahead.

        On the otherhand we risk falling back into the pit of history and another dark ages where even basic standards of living are lost to the ages.

        The world is living on a bubble,it will burst,only questions are when,who will pop it and will we survive the landing?

      • I agree that doom and gloom always sells, but I also see it like Darin to a large extent. I do not say that we will not survive the coming storm, but I also don’t say that we will. If we do come through it, much will have changed and that will include the American people. You can’t live through something like that without such changes taking place. Frankly, I hope that you are right. But I also think that one should prepare for the worst.

        Having attended University recently and witnessing the character and beliefs of the current generation, I believe that I am justified in my views.

  7. Darin says:


    I would move to Australia in a minute,but I have my father to look after.It’s my resposibility to do so and I cannot abandon him,he never abandoned me afterall.

    Plus there is the issue of weaponryhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  8. Mathew says:

    I really don’t know what the heck is going to happen to America, a nation whose leaders won’t learn responsibility and whose people won’t teach them.

    I hope they can turn things around, for all our sakes.

  9. KG says:

    These, from Breitbart this morning:
    Four Republicans to Help Budget Deal Proceed
    Tea Party’s Martin: This Is Why We Have Primaries
    UK Islamists Threaten 40 Lashes for Selling Alcohol
    Cops: 18-Y.o. Raped Elderly Nun in Church Parking Lot
    Fake Mandela Interpreter Burned Two People to Death with Mob
    Denver Post Scrubs ‘Socialist’ from Description of Colorado School Shooter
    Federal Judge Rules Laws Against Polygamy Unconstitutional


  10. Robertv says:

    Ukrainian protesters don’t have internet ?



  11. Ronbo says:

    William said, “Having attended University recently and witnessing the character and beliefs of the current generation, I believe that I am justified in my views.”

    The upside and hope for the future is that most people don’t attend the university, which is where this intellectual Leftist rot started, and functions primarily as a means to brainwash the “leaders” of the next generation into being good little socialists who accept the dictatorship of the Elite.

    As is well known, a university education, except for a few professions like doctors, is a total waste of time and money, and that the superior education can be found free 24/7 on the Internet, or at the free Public Library.

    Like many things today is current educational system in the West is reactionary and belongs to the 19th and early 20th century Industrial Revolution period that is geared to produce worker-bees who obey the boss without question and show up for work on time.

    In fact, some of the most successful and wealthy individuals are those who do not have a university education, or dropped out after being mugged by the never ending Leftist propaganda on campus.

  12. Ronbo says:

    KG said, “We have a mountain to climb….”

    Indeed, we do :!: The next chapter is world history is not going to be very pleasant for anyone, as everyone who has ever been a soldier on campaign who has lived in the open, slept in mud and is awakened by the crack of gunfire can tell you.

    But at the end of day the choice will boil down to resist or surrender and many of us will never surrender.

    We will resist…

    “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

    — Thomas Paine in 1776 “The American Crisis”

  13. KG says:

    ‘..What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.” ..’
    Perhaps some of those skools who have bullshit mottos such as “Progress through unity”, “Excellence through diversity” and so forth could adopt Thos. Paine’s quote instead…. :twisted:

  14. The Gantt Guy says:

    Well, at least now we know. In the modern age, the journey from tyranny through revolution to liberty and back to tyranny takes precisely 240 years.

    16 December 1773: Boston Tea Party.

    ACA (0-Care) = Tea Act 1773. Response from patriots must be the same.

    On occasions such as this I consider it a shame we patriots don’t celebrate anniversaries in the way the moslems do (and I really, really wish my autocorrect would stop capitalising the first letter of that word!).

  15. KG says:

    Sleeping with the enemy:
    ‘Paul Ryan Budget Deal Cuts Military Pensions to Pay for Spending Increases’

    via Breitbart.

    Primary the bastard.