The new forgotten war

For the last five years of the Bush administration we heard daily from the media precisely how many US troops had been killed.Not just one network,but all of them,every single one.

Now that the boy king is at the wheel nothing,nada,zip,no mention from them ever what the casualty rate is or even what the war is costing us in terms of money and never a peep about the losses sustained by our Allies.

That is bad enough,but that is just the media and we expect them to lie and do an incompetent job of reporting the facts.Today we find out that the very people supposedly in charge of the war have no clue. :evil:

Mr. Rohrabacher delivered the hearing’s most caustic criticism.

“I think we are groveling again,” he said. “Maybe this is the grovel administration… This is insanity and it’s time for us to get our butts out of that country, not for their sake, but for our sake.”

I think Mr Rohrabacher is right,but he didn’t go far enough.IMHO it’s time to bring what Obama has turned into a demoralizing meat grinder to an end and bring the boys home.

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20 Responses to The new forgotten war

  1. Contempt says:

    Plus, a large number are contractors.

    These oBowa folks are incredibly stupid, evil, God Damn America Americans or incredibly stupid, evil, God Damn America Americans. Contempt.

  2. Robertv says:

    That makes me think of this.


  3. Rep Rohrahbacher is from CALIFORNIA!!
    “Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.) had a simple question Wednesday for three of the Obama administration’s top Afghanistan specialists: How many American troops have been killed in Afghanistan this year?

    None of the witnesses at the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Afghanistan had an answer.”

    give up on the progressive bho regime-but>>>
    Don’t Give Up On US Californians (-:

    • Darin says:

      Carol,I hope and pray that by some miracle California sees a great awakening on the order of the Azusa street revival both spiritually and politically.

  4. Seneca III says:

    Bring ’em home, and ours as well, and the Aussies and the Kiwis and the French and the Germans and the Danes and all of the other Western boys and girls who are having to fight and die with one hand tied behind their backs and a ‘human rights’ lawyer looking over their shoulder and a gutless, useless collection of politicals just waiting to punish them for the sin of wanting to stay alive and if they do then with nothing else for them to look forward to than to be cast out onto the streets and survive however they can.

    I do not have the words to quantify my hatred for the scum that rule and betray them and us, and nor do I have the means to visit upon these traitors that rule us the just punishment they deserve, but if I did the pain I would inflict upon them would send shivers of delight through Hell itself.

  5. KG says:

    What Seneca said. Amen!

  6. KG says:

    ‘Chinese naval vessel tries to force U.S. warship to stop in international waters’

    Just what we need, with an undocumented community organizer crony of terrorists in the WH and his gangster Administration busily neutering American power…..

    • Darin says:

      Yup,and with the little North Korean nut going a little more nuts than usual things are bound to perk up.

  7. KG says:

    First, primary this bastard:

    (and what the HELL is Breitbart doing, publishing this anti-conservative hit piece from the odious AP?)

  8. At least one person in the Federal legislature has a modicum of common sense.

    I also am in full agreement with Seneca, and second KG’s enthusiasm for the cure.

  9. Mathew says:

    It is best to bring them home now, he doesn’t have the stomach for war and neither does the west in general. And the Afghans have no interest in joining the modern world.

    Just go home and pretend to fight mythical warming or whatever. A lot of us will only learn the hard way, best get it over with as quickly as possible.

  10. Flashman says:

    The ‘Ghan isn’t worth the bones of a single grenadier. Never was. Never will be.

    I made a prediction ten years ago that combat operations would come to resemble that fought by the French in Indochina thus: under-resourced, forgotten at home, little clumps of troops in fortified defensive positions dotted over the countryside, roadbound, with the G owning the hearts and the minds…and the night, and an “indigenous” puppet government that collects no taxes from 98% of the land area it ostensibly governs.

    Bring the boys and girls home!

  11. Wombat says:

    One day patriotic defenders of the constitution are going to realise thatmost of the wars they gone off to die in have been started precisely for that reason. I suggest a new pledge of allegiance.

    Clinton/Bush/Obama: “Do you solemly swear to defend the constitution of the united states?”
    Patriot: “Yes, I do.”
    Clinton/Bush/Obama:” Good. You can start by defending it on the other side of that meat grinder. Through you go, foolish patriot…”

    Noble intentions have resulted in the death/dismemberment of a demographic which should have long since started killing communists at home rather than abroad. :x

  12. Ronbo says:


    In regards to House Speaker “Boner” – you have to remember that the Progressive movement was birthed by the Republican Party under Teddy Roosevelt in the early 1900s and from there it spread to the Democrat Party under Woodrow Wilson.

    Yes, there are differences between the two Progressive parties – the Progressive wing of the GOP favors a strong defense and playing policeman to the world, while the Democrat Progressives favor the welfare state and appeasement of foreign powers.

    However, both wings of the Progressive (Fascist) movement favor a strong central authoritarian federal government in Washington, D.C. and will battle to the death with opposition like the Tea Party Movement that favors a return to a decentralized American government as written into law by the U.S. Constitution.

    The only hope for a peaceful resolution short of CW II would be for the TPM to purge the “Boners” from the GOP by way of primary elections in 2014. Personally, I don’t expect this to happen, but that’s the rebel plan.

    What my idealistic friends in the Republican Party don’t understand is that the Progressive (Fascist) roots go too deep – and the GOP faction of the Progressive movement will not go quietly into the night and allow the “upstart” TPM to take control of what they consider “Their Party” – no ruling class in history has gone quietly into the night.

    THERE WILL BE BLOOD :!: :evil:

  13. Oswald Bastable says:

    I have often wondered about the German Jews ‘Why didn’t you get the hell out- the writing was on the wall’.

    I guess you have to be standing a bit further back from the wall to see the writing :cry:

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed, Oswald.

    • All too true. How many times have men failed to recognize their peril regardless of the danger signs? The nations of Europe had Mein Kampf years before the outbreak of war, and yet Chamberlain returned with the now proverbial “peace in our time.” The citizen suffers from the same malady. Where once Americans were distrustful of government, we now see government as the panacea for our ills revealing our weakness.

      When such a view predominates, doubt about the future is the last thing you would expect, even as the clouds on the horizon darken.