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Some of us detest the Christmas frenzy.
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Some of us ignore the frenzy and just love Christmas and the festive season.
Well, that’s nice for those that do. I just wish they’d stop trying to inflict it on me.
Drunken Santa brawl in NYC
Those reindeer have the warmest fur. The meat is very tasty too. As for the fat guy. You did him a big favor considering how fat he was and what he was doing to his heart. I doubt he could make it through the night.
It is double trouble this year for us with having the sprogs 21st this Saturday night in our home.
Of such stuff are nightmares made…..
I need some adult drinking company……………..
Three days before Christmas and Santa is busy getting last minute stuff done when Rudolph walks up and tells him the Sleigh is broke down again.
“Son of a Bitch! Yells Santa as he walks out to the Sleigh lugging a toolbox,Bastard always picks the best time to show it’s arse”Santa dives under the hood and starts beating,wrenching and cursing then the old lady shows up to say her piece-
“I knew I should have married you brother shouted Mrs Claus.He drives a new Mercedes and lives in a House in the Bahamas.”You know why?”Because he doesn’t give away all his freakin Toys for free like you dumba–!”You had better get your but in gear you lazy bum,the Sleigh is broke,the Elves you hired this year are all lazy and Gay and the Reindeer all got sh-tfaced on cheap booze and barfed on all the Toys”Get it together or I’m leaving you Nick!
Santa jumps up under the Hood,bashes his head into he hood latch and yells”Well f–k me!Go inside and fix me a sammich bitch! and off she went mad as a Hornet.
Santa still checking his head for blood starts off to the workshop cursing under his breath and kicking the Snow.He opens the door and what does he see,all the Elves,naked and kissing,smoking Pot and doing nothing.”Wake up you sorry bums!Your all fired! he yells as he heads for the stables.
In the Stables he finds the Reindeer all passed out drunk and a years worth of Toys swimming in puke.”Well that just frosts it! he shouts as he starts feverishly wiping the puke off the toys trying to salvage what was left and wondering why he even tries when in walks the Christmas Angel who asks “hey Santa,the UPS man just dropped off this Christmas Tree,where do you want me to put it?”
And that kids is how the Angel came to be on top of the Christmas tree-The End
Bwahaha….. good one!
That’s grossly…um…insensitive or something, Darin. Somewhere there’s a kiddie traumatised by reading that. You may expect to hear from the Correct Thought Tribunal any day.
We’ll take up a collection for your defence fund. Not that there’s any defence against incorrect thought, but it’ll give us a pool of beer money and Mawm urgently needs to buy some good whiskey.
Oi, I’ve got some good whisky. Had a glass or so of Laphroaig last night. Got a few bottles of other good stuff there as well. Can’t wait to get the foil off the Lagavulin.
BTW Mr Darin that is a “Festive” tree where you come from. Don’t want to upset the pedophiles, do you?
Sheesh, gotta keep you elves in line at this time of the year!
mmmmmm..Lagavulin…….My budget doesn’t run to the stuff any more.
I get it duty free (not that it is much cheaper!) with all the visits to the sprog in Brissivegas. Not that I drink much of it……..just on the odd occasion. (Quelle horreur, GG)
Any kiddie who reads this blog will not be traumatized by what is written here. Instead they will be well instructed in free thinking.
And do you think that receiving instruction in free thinking, after years of indoctrination and being told what to think, will not be a traumatic experience for the poor wee dears
I hate the frenzy too.
Our family opts out of it. We just have a get-together and some food and lots of booze. Works for me…..
A Festivus for the Rest of us!
Chanukah is over, the family is settled down, having fun watching you Christians go into overdrive this week.
I like William Stout’s take on Christmas:
Excellent,one of the best pieces I have read all year!
Thank you for the praise, Keith and Darin. It really means a lot coming from people that I respect.
Happy Christmas