Didn’t see much in the media about it after about four hours post incident.Why,because a man with a gun stopped a lunatic with a gun from going on a killing spree.Doesn’t fit the gun control drumbeat narrative,so therefore it’s not news.
Also interesting is the fact that the shooter was described as an “avid socialist/communist”,another in a long series of fascist lefty’s who commit murder when they don’t get their way.
Beware the desperate fascist,they always kill.
Two reasons for the dishonest MSM creeps to bury the story, eh? Had it been a veteran or Tea Party member, this would be wall-to-wall coverage and “proof” of all sorts of things.
Absolutely,and we can add a third reason-low body count.The more blood the more the goule media loves it.
I do hope the poor girl who was shot makes it.By all acounts she was a bright young lady and did not deserve what she got.
Colorado Sheriff: We Have Not and Will Not Enforce New Gun Control
Weld County, Colorado, Sheriff John Cooke says he and his deputies have not enforced the gun control laws passed in March and they will not enforce those laws.
Before the laws were passed Cooke said he would not enforce them, and since their passage he has made good on his promise.
God knows that you are spot on with that assessment KG. What’s more, I read over at Weasel Zippers that the lefty’s are trying to eliminate the death penalty for treason. Funny how disarming the public and slacking off on the scum tends to go hand in hand isn’t it?
Sure is, William.
Of course the scum want the treason provisions removed from the books–just as bank robbers would like the offence of armed robbery watered down to disorderly behaviour.
Sorry for not posting the link for the treason story cited earlier. Here it is:
What treasonous scum the MSM are.
Interesting that AT THIS TIME the little Left Turds want to lower the penalty for down to 90 days community service, or small fine.
So what gives
Would they be worried about the opposition coming at them with the hangman’s noose very soon
The traitor lads wouldn’t be a wee bit worried, heh
I’d like to think so, Ronbo, but it’s probably more a case of further undermining the concepts of national sovereignty and individual accountability.
Probably planning to openly give away the store to China,Russia etc.