‘A new Gallup poll finds 72 percent of Americans feel big government poses a greater threat to the United States in the future than big business or big labor, a record high since the polling outfit began asking the question nearly 50 years ago.’
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Something wrong with the numbers
•Forty-three percent of respondents approve of Obama.
Yeah i find these things hard to believe, it’s not the first poll or the first time, i’ve seen news of similar polls in the past. They don’t make sense, like shouting out in a restaurant, I’m on a diet guys, so another slice of cheese cake and pie thanks.
It is finally starting to resonate–and in part you can thank Obamacare for that.
No, it’s accurate Obama is against Big Collectivist Government too
Seriously, he said so in a speech, and the low I.Q./low information crowd still believes him.
This is Dictatorship 101 – keep the mob on your side by saying you are against your own government
It worked for Stalin…Did you know millions of people he sent to the GULAG were stupid enough sent him birthday cards and tell him in letters how much they still loved him
Gee, if Stalin (Obama) only knew the real deal…
You’re right .How stupid of me. Just having Dear Leader makes government a lot smaller.
I find it hard to believe these polls, we saw similar things prior to the last election, yet here they are with bigger government than before.
Either way it doesn’t matter anymore, whether they’ve finally woken up or are just confused, it doesn’t matter, too little too late now.