‘The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should take precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their European host countries, according to a new study, which warns that Islamic fundamentalism is widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe…’
It’s impossible to think of anything better calculated to destroy the host culture. We have to conclude that that is the objective, surely?
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“It’s impossible to think of anything better calculated to destroy the host culture. We have to conclude that that is the objective, surely?”
Correct. It *is* the objective.
I’ve been reading an interesting book recently – “Modern Day Trojan Horse – the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration”, by Sam Solomon and E Al Maqdisi. As most people will be aware, Mohammad (the founder of Islam) is held up by Muslims as the “perfect example” – the “perfect Muslim”. He and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina in the year 622. *So important* is this migration in Islam that the Islamic calendar is based upon it. When you see an Islamic date like “789 A.H.”, that stands for “anno hegirae” – Latin for “in the year of the hijra (migration)”.
Mohammad migrated and so (given that he is held to be the “perfect Muslim”), Muslims migrate too (especially to infidel countries) to this day, the goal being to see the eventual downfall of those countries and the establishment of a worldwide Caliphate.
I find it interesting that no Australian or New Zealand media outlet (to my knowledge) has seen fit to publish this survey, or others which indicate similar trends.
Exactly. They’re as bad as the dhimmified BBC or Swedish media.
From my ‘Believe it or Not?’ file, thor:
ALJAZEERA – 20/12/2013
British Muslims say they have been stigmatised after the conviction of two men in the murder of Lee Rigby.
…Abassi also criticised the way which the media had focused on the local Muslim community in its reporting of the Rigby killing. “Muslims feel it is part of the agenda of the BBCto demonise Muslims, continuously keeping them under pressure, continuously making them feel guilty. I urge our media to refrain from using Muslims and Islam as their breakfast talk.”
The BBC!? There’s no hope for them; these fuckwits can’t even recognise their own best friend
Amazing ay Seneca!
“Waaaaah!” SUFFER, you bastards!
No sympathy from this neck of the woods……
And of course Choudary is a great example of that–now trying to force alcohol out–when will progs ever wake up?
The BBC seems to love that piece of walking offal, Conservative. God knows, they give it enough air-time.
In a few years time Europeans are going to wake up and find that all these people who believe in sharia are going to start voting for it and they’ll be the growing majority. And this is only if they are lucky.
Chances are good and recent events in Britain show that muslims may not wait for the ballot box to change things, they may just start kicking things into the way they want them and who’s going to stop them? The ones frantically fighting the mythical warming nonsense, good luck with that.
Exactly right, Mathew.
I just *cannot believe* how short a memory the people of the UK and Europe have. They have forgotten every lesson that they should have learned from the two World Wars.
Lesson One – Freedom is precious and must be protected at any cost.
Lesson Two – Know your enemy.
Lesson Three – The Jewish people are on *our* side (though goodness only knows, given how abysmally the West has treated them, they could be excused for waging war against us).
Lesson Four – if you forget the first three lessons then history will repeat itself.
Yep. Yet the slow-motion suicide continues…..
Like I said before, the Islamic Reign of European Terror ends the day the welfare checks stop coming out, as a result of the coming Global economic collapse.
Sadly Thor, the current generation thinks the lessons from past wars is not to fight at all, appease at all costs since the other is just after some sort of social justice. We project our own misguided notions of human nature onto our opponents.
The funny thing about the welfare cheques Ronbo is, I think when that time comes the whining minority groups, even muslims, will start missing the dwindling white population. After all who funds those welfare cheques so faithfully every month. There is nowhere else in the world where you can get money for doing essentially nothing.
Sometimes i wonder if it’s simply the natural condition of us, to be ungrateful curs who can’t see what we have until it’s taken from us.