Open house

undertech undercover Busy day here





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54 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Think Tank: “Extraordinary Crisis” Needed to Preserve “New World Order”
    Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an “extraordinary crisis” is needed to preserve the “new world order,” which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden.
    …Ullman concludes that the elimination of non-state actors and empowered individuals “must be done” in order to preserve the new world order. A summary of their material suggests that the Atlantic Council’s definition of a “new world order” is a global technocracy run by a fusion of big government and big business under which individuality is replaced by transhumanist singularity.’

    • mawm says:

      Heaven help us – “empowered individuals”. Noooo… we can’t let that happen.

      If they want an extraordinary crisis how about simultaneous exposure to some ‘magic sunshine’ in DC, New York, San Francisco, LA, Brussels, Teheran, and Mecca. That should sort out the problem nicely. I suppose Beijing, the Kremlin, Riyadh, Westminster, Ottawa, Canberra and Wellington should be added to them just for completeness sake. Oh and the educational ivory towers and MSM newsrooms. Hmmm… I’m going to kept busy. :mrgreen:

      It’s always the same old faces, the same old institutions and the same old ideology turning up time and time again. Some tactical kinetic solutions should sort them out nicely. After one or two have gone the rest of the cockroaches will scurry off into the cracks.

    • Ronbo says:

      Something very big is boiling in the old tea pot – call it World War III, I suppose – because the world power totalitarians are making a very strong move for world domination; however, at the same time, thanks to technology, the individual all over the world is becoming more and more powerful.

      Look at CR for example, rugged individualists spread all over the English speaking world in constant communication. This is a new version of the American colonial “Committees of Correspondence” where revolution was plotted against King George III and his Tory Ministers. Now multiply CR a million times.

      A house divided, a world divided :!: Personally I think the “The New World Order” – the latest version of world conquest – is going to come to a bad end in our lifetimes – they are bad old past, we are the future.

      • KG says:

        “..the individual all over the world is becoming more and more powerful.”
        I don’t see it, Ronbo. What I see is bureaucratic chains being drawn tighter and tighter.
        We’re far less free than I was when young and I think the process is accelerating.

        • Wombat says:

          While what you say is true, the discontent it generates swells and the more they ratchet down the chains the more the pressure builds.
          What has been done by politicians can only be undone by the angry mob.
          Remember, the Yanks originally got the job done with just III% of their population, and that was fighting open warfare against the Brits.
          Considering what we saw from the authorities when Dorner flipped out it certainly pulls back the curtain on the supposedly mighty wizard of OZ.

          • Seneca III says:

            In principle agree with KG, it is getting worse and the freedoms I have left in this the early part of my eighth decade are both miniscule and highly restricted in comparison with what I had, say, half a century ago. However it is a well-known fact that in socio-political terms as well as in mechanics there is for every action an equal and opposite reaction.
            Looked at in this light what the powers that be have done in their quest for dominance and absolute control is to effectively cram millions of increasingly angry people into an ideological pressure cooker, screw down the release valve then clamp down and sit on the lid and the upside is that the laws of physics with respect to pressure vessels do have a corresponding set of laws in the field of human affairs.
            When it blows, and it will blow, those freedoms will, with some luck and a lot of bloodletting, return to us and when they do we must try to ensure that we never let them slip through our fingers again. :evil:

          • Seneca III says:

            Oops, see above KG!

  2. mawm says:

    Flipping lawn mower has conked out again. This is on top of a leaking exhaust flange gasket on the boat. :evil: I suppose there is nothing left to do other than sit in the sun in the overgrown garden and have a few beers. Somehow the lawn and boat become less worrying. I wonder if the Admiral will be up to an afternoon sleep after a couple of wines :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      “Two wines and a snooze” is a Certain Person’s favourite afternoon occupation, when she’s able. Quite right too. :grin:
      As for the lawn, it’s nothing that a lawnmowing contractor can’t fix. ;-)
      The leaking gasket is a pain in the ass, though. I’ve been through those contortions……it’s a job for an ambidextrous midget of little brain.

      • mawm says:

        The exhaust is out and the flange sent off to get a gasket cut to the right size. My grazed knuckles and bruised flank will attest to that. Reverse order hopefully onWednesday.

        Flipping old engines with no parts available in NZ. :evil: I will repower, rewire, replace rigging and repaint my next boat before even taking delivery. Just need to find a good hull and factor the work into the price….

        • KG says:

          hmmm…we’re getting Gecko’s brother (boatbuilder) to look at this for us:
          Herreschoff Neria Ketch 36ft

          • mawm says:

            She’ll tidy up nicely. $28G :shock: but then Ferro doesn’t have a great resale value. Not much on her either – VHF, depth sounder and compasses only. You’ll have to dust off your sextant. No fridge to drive you crazy either. How old is the engine?

            Nice looking though and should take you anywhere.

            • KG says:

              I don’t mind ferro, Mawm, provided it has a builder’s certificate. At least there’d be no caulking to worry about. :grin:
              But I don’t like Perkins diesels much….
              All she needs in the nav. gear line is a chartplotter, since I’m too lazy nowadays to navigate “properly”.
              And should the plotter break down, DR and a chart is good enough for most places.

            • Wombat says:

              You’ve been gotten to by that incorrigible rogue Bracken :x

            • mawm says:

              Look into buying an iPad instead of a plotter. They are not of a marine standard but you can go through at least 3 iPads to 1 plotter. The software and charts are available at a reasonable cost – there is also free stuff about.

    • Findalis says:

      Use an old non-powered one. If you have a teen then you can get him/her to mow the lawn. Saves time, saves trouble, and gives them some exercise.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Jeez mawm, you have a garden and a lawn on your boat? Must be a hell of a gin palace!

    • Seneca III says:

      Buy some sheep, Mawm. Mind you, goats would do a better job but there’s no point in getting those if there are any muzzies within a few hundred miles of your hacienda.

  3. KG says:

    NY Gov. Cuomo: Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Marriage Conservatives ‘Have No Place In The State’

  4. KG says:

    “Bracken”, Wombat??

    That’s an idea, Mawm. already has an iPad and I was thinking of getting one anyway.

  5. KG says:

    ‘ How did Hiroo (Hiroo Onada, the Japanese soldier who hid in the jungle for 29 years) remain so completely oblivious to the war’s end and subsequent global developments during his decades in hiding?

    For information, he would listen to a stolen shortwave radio. His favourite broadcast was ABC Radio Australia.

  6. KG says:

    “In a country where the center is defined by the institutions of the left, the center ceases to exist. ”
    Daniel Greenfield

    ‘United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres said that democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model’

  7. KG says:

    Hmm..just watched the great David Horowitz interviewed on ‘The Glazov Gang’.
    Fascinating man, with lots to say, if only the irritating bloody interviewer would let him!
    grrrrrrrrrr…………an hour in the room with Glazov and I’d end up strangling him. :evil:

  8. Darin says:

    Just up off my deathbed here,had a sinus infection I couldn’t shake,went to the doc,turns out I can’t take Sulfa drugs.Called back to the doc to change prescriptions,nurse says “are you sure it was an allergic reaction”? I said,well I wasn’t sure until the throbbing headache,rapid pulse,blood red eyes and rash kicked in :shock: :evil:

    One for Mawm-

  9. Ronbo says:

    “..the individual all over the world is becoming more and more powerful.”

    I don’t see it, Ronbo. What I see is bureaucratic chains being drawn tighter and tighter.
    We’re far less free than I was when young and I think the process is accelerating.


    So what if we are surrounded and the enemy is closing in for the kill :?:

    This makes the tactical problem more simple.

  10. Darin says:

    More “proof” of Globalwarminclimatechange-

    I guess just chop out a few blocks with an axe and shove them right in the freezer,can’t get any fresher than that. :mrgreen:

  11. Wombat says:

    Cocked and locked for the battle againt all collectivist tyranny.

    • Darin says:

      The first raghead that trys pushing sharia on me gets beat to death with a JD bottle,allah piss be upon him :twisted:

  12. Darin says:

    Handibot,for the powertool inept-

  13. KG says:

    ‘Allen West: Obama and Holder Are Racist’

    • Pascal says:

      The last line: “Turning a blionf [sic] eye to this and extending the respect and courtesy normally reserved for foreign government officials to MB representatives is an outrage.”

      An outrage? I think we’re down to sighing in relief when the news story isn’t.

      • KG says:

        Perhaps this Administration is relying on ‘outrage overload’ to numb people into silence, Pascal?

        • Pascal says:

          In my view, it’s become “yeah, and watcha gonna do about it buster” policy. So no perhaps about it. There is so little push-back in fact that I think a “Reichstag Fire” is imminent.

  14. KG says:

    The Republican brass and reps are cowards. :evil:

    • Pascal says:

      Cowards? Some. (And few — very few — are standouts.) It’s worse than that. My cartoon on my view is now over 10 years old, and now just more obvious to more people.

      I’d only change the words “compelling state interest” to “compelling statist interest.”

  15. KG says:

    I’m surprised nobody commented on the two ladies up the top of this post. :shock:

  16. KG says:

    American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character
    by Diana West

    A fine review, at Quadrant.

  17. The Gantt Guy says:

    Ronald Reagan meeting ordinary Moscow citizens in 1988.