‘The Last Generation of the West

and the Thin Strand of Civilization’
by Victor Davis Hanson  

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11 Responses to ‘The Last Generation of the West

  1. Ronbo says:

    After reading this article I’m very depressed…Now where is my hemlock? :sad:

  2. Darin says:

    Don’t worry Ron,it’s just labor pains,only question remaining is what will be born?

    Don’t Jaywalk for your own good,or we will beat you :evil:

    • Ronbo says:

      We need a new reality TV show entitled, “Cops Gone Wild :!::roll:

      If you think the police don’t believe citizens are the enemy and they are an army of occupation, you haven’t been paying attention.

  3. Mathew says:

    I’ve often remarked that the faster westerners can get to knowledge, the harder it becomes to gain it, the stupider and more ignorant we get. To top it all off, there also comes an irritating arrogance about it all.

    Turn the clock back 100 years and a youngster who proclaimed loudly that he/she doesn’t know anything would be frowned upon and would probably get a clip around the ears for opening their mouth and confirming their ignorance.

    These days they are more likely to get praised for it.

    Sometimes when i watch American TV programs, disbelief turns to sadness, the way some of them fervently keep chipping away at the foundations of what makes them great. I’d compare them to small, stupid children feverishly playing with matches in a barn not knowing the consequences, but how can this sizable minority not know!

    Perhaps it’s just inevitable, just like a human being, we grow, we reach a peak and then it’s decline and eventually death. Perhaps it’s the same with nations, after all nations are full of human beings.

    • Ronbo says:


      You have to understand only the lowest of the low watch Leftstream Media (ABC, CBS, NBC) – the majority of American have cable television and the Internet.

      I’m very likely typical and I have only an Internet connection that gives me access to only those news outlets and websites I trust for objective information.

      For entertainment I have access to thousands of movies and television shows that I care to watch by way of Netflix and Amazon instant streaming.

      Thus I have become by own Media manager – and studies have shown most Americans are doing the same thing.

      • Mathew says:

        Well that’s even more worrying then.

        Either the cable news outlets are just as biased or those watching it don’t care for the truth. How else to explain them voting again for obama.

        • Wombat says:

          They could have voted by coin-flip. It makes no difference. Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama. What’s the point of giving a crap whether you’re being beaten by the left first or the right :?:

  4. Wombat says:

    “our electrical power, fuel, building materials, food, health care, and communications — all hinge on just 144 million getting up in the morning to produce what about 160-170 million others (the sick, the young, and the retired who need assistance along with the 90 million idle) consume.”

    Incorrect, actually. You could probably split those workers in half, one side being people who produce something of value and the other half being government employees or contractors working primarily on government projects.

    So it’s actually much worse than the author suggests.

    • KG says:

      I think it is, Wombat. The number of truly productive people is miniscule. I once had a government employee tell me she pays taxes, and she was very angry when I said “you merely pay back a portion of what is in essence stolen money”.