muslim immigration is taxpayer-funded jihad.

‘..At this hour no one in Little Korea, Little Italy, Little Brazil, Brighton Beach or Koreatown is plotting to destroy America so that his religion can rule the world. That is what sets the Little Bangladeshes, Little Pakistans, Little Mogadishus and Little Egypts apart from every other immigrant group whose dreams for the future are not overshadowed by the iron dream of Islam…’
Sultan Knish         ‘A Bangladesh grows in Brooklyn’
UPDATE: Australia’s experience with these animals. Read it and weep..this is what we have to thank the bastard bleeding-hearts of the left for. I pray to God for justice– that they or a close family member one day become victims of these thugs. On that day perhaps they’ll begin to become dimly aware of the fact that there’s a devastating social cost attached to the “enrichment” they babble so ignorantly about. A social cost that so far they’ve been comfortably insulated from.
UPDATE 2: Francis Porretto has more on this item by Greenfield.

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5 Responses to muslim immigration is taxpayer-funded jihad.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Australia is rated as being one of the most welcoming nations in the world for immigration…This is good. However, a grain of caution is needed in regards to Muzbot immigrants, who come for the Jihad and welfare.

  2. Mathew says:

    Don’t forget the Vietnamese gangs a few decades ago and also the problems melbourne is having with African refugees. Ultimately you can’t just bring people from effed up places, throw them into the west and expect it all to just work out alright, all the while bleating about all cultures are equal.

    Islam is a problem on its own, the other cultures that come here want to adapt because on some level they know that it’s better in the west, even if they are fed this BS about all cultures except the western one are gloriously better all the time. And if they don’t know it, all it takes is a trip to the old country to taste the grass on the other side.

    Not with islam. It would take too much time to write it all up and ultimately we all know, even the most stupid and/or dishonest of lefties even know deep down inside, that all the billions upon billions of dollars being spent by the west, east, north and south on security is not because of Catholics, Hindus, Bhuddists, Zoroastrians etc. threatening holy war and mass murder.

    Even the leftie news readers who very carefully tell us it was unidentified extremists who carried out that bus/subway bombing, even they will feel a loosening of the bowels if certain holy-types board their bus wearing a big jacket mumbling arabic-sounding verses.

    Even the uni students shouting, spitting and throwing their feces around at the fortnightly kill-the-juice….. er i mean free-palestine campus protests would feel it. Something they wouldn’t feel if an actual Jew with his skull cap or a couple of Jehovahs witnesses boarded instead.

  3. KG says:

    More of this urgently needed. Much more.

    An oldie and a goody.

  4. mawm says:

    Ye gods! I’ve been rumbled! :shock: 120 Mr Mawn is aged 21 years and 7 months. He has been on remand at the Melbourne Assessment Prison since 4 December 2013… The applicant left his home in South Sudan in 2002. – from the Andrew Bolt link.