The left are not incompetent

they’re evil and unprincipled, and it’s time we dealt with them on that basis. Time for Tony Abbott and co. to get off their backsides and reform the Commie Broadcasting Corporation.

‘Burned boaties believed’
In fact the illegal immigrants aren’t believed at all–they’re merely giving the ABC and Fairfax Media a stick to beat the government with.  The scumbag media bastards know there’s no truth in these allegations.

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18 Responses to The left are not incompetent

  1. mawm says:

    The public broadcaster should be given notice that they are to report the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and that failure to do so will lead to prosecution. Private news media OTOH can do what they like but are bound to be embarrassed by being contradicted. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      It’s a pity the sailors concerned can’t sue them for defamation. But of course, the cowards at the ABC are relying on that….
      Tony Abbott has a responsibility to speak up on behalf of the R.A.N., forcefully, on behalf of the Australian public.
      That he hasn’t done that (so far) is a disgrace.

    • Mathew says:

      They won’t care, they’ll just go ahead and call that bluff and Abbott can’t risk a lengthy trial where we all know he’ll be portrayed as the bastard nazi trying to kill freedom of the press.

      The easiest and most effective thing he can do is cut funding of the ABC, at the moment they’ve capped it, not one extra cent will be given, i’m hoping that they will cut their funding because we just can’t afford it. It’s the easiest way to hurt the left, take away their money and they fold like old snakes.

      I’m not sure he wants to do it though, he as other problems to deal with, but i do hope he does something in his first year, year 2 and 3 are out of the question, too risky.

  2. KG says:

    As a commenter over at Tim Blair’s just said:
    “Some imply this is a bit of buffoonery … it isn’t, it’s deadly serious pseudo-Marxist and seditious. Where is Turnbull – he leaves it all to Morrison to respond to this leftist calumny. Where is Abbott? Why is the Coalition “conservative in name only” when it comes to the undeclared war the ABC wages against middle Australia? “

    • Ronbo says:

      Andrew Bolt speaks right on :!:

      • Ronbo says:

        @KG: Regarding government owned ABC, which is pretty much the same Leftist propaganda organ that PBS in this country, can’t you folks in Oz simply tune them out :?:

        PBS in this country has very few viewers. Middle of the road Fox News blows the Leftstream Media out of the water with more viewers than our ABC, CBS,NBC and CNN combined.

        America’s news anchor has become become Rush Limbaugh on AM Talk Radio who gets higher ratings than Obama.

        • KG says:

          Ronbo, we can tune them out easily enough, but in many remote areas theirs is the only coverage easily available, so people tend to watch and listen.
          The fact that they’re taxpayer funded, and have such a large slice of the spectrum tends to lock out would-be competitors.
          What’s worse is the fact that so many people think that the ABC is a trustworthy news organisation because they’re simply not held to account for their lies and distortions.

          • Darin says:

            Yup,people wonder why much of South America dislikes the US.Well as my brother found out about the only news they get about the US is from CNN which explains a lot.

  3. K2 says:

    At some point, conservative pols will finally catch up with the left on the uses of media. When that happens, every time a new conservative administration comes to power, it will be the default option to sack half the government broadcasting executives, put in your own people and proceed as the left has only with a right wing bias.

    • Ronbo says:

      Back before civil service reforms at the end of 19th century in America, the incoming administration could (and usually did) fire all government workers.

      This was called the “Spoils System” – as in “to the victors belong the spoils” and was a very effective way of stopping career bureaucrats and their empire building of a Leftist propaganda ministry like ABC.

  4. Mathew says:

    Yes it’s pretty disgusting that the much of the media in this country are simply siding with the illegals and seem ready to believe any crap that’s given to them as long as it’s anti-Abbott.

    One thing though, Aussies listen to talkback radio and it’s a lot of us, it’s a stark reminder to anyone but the most stupid, of how biased and verminous our media is. Through all this wailing and whining by the children of the greens and the weasels in labor, something that’s not lost on many of us is that we haven’t had a boat in a whole month.

    We’ve gone from 3 boats a day under labor who promised sweetly that it was just inevitable, nothing could be done etc. to 0 in a month. ZERO!

    Even though the media don’t report this fact much, we know it because if there were 3 boats a day under Abbott, the curs would be pulling up a cross for Abbotts crucifixion.

    In many ways it’s good for Abbott, the more they keep hating, the more they keep lying, the more they keep shoving sh!t around about it, the more of us will get turned off.

    I think this year will be the worst for the left, of the 3 years Abbott has, he will have to push through the most pain in the first year, i think he knows that’s the only way, our electorate isn’t mature enough to handle reality any closer to an election.

  5. KG says:

    “..our electorate isn’t mature enough to handle reality any closer to an election.”
    Sadly, too true.

  6. Wombat says:

    You cannot “fix” the problem with bias in state media by balancing it. Unfortunately this cuts to the heart of the argument against government in its entirety.

    You can’t reasonably make people fund through their taxes a service which they don’t want and frankly despise. The right complains that the the ABC is left leaning. The left complains that it’s not left leaning -enough-. This cannot be reconciled, EVER.

    No taxes. No state institutions. No government. Otherwise your freedom is just an illusion. :|

    • KG says:

      I accepted that freedom is just an illusion a long time ago, Wombat. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop trying to attain it. :grin:
      Government has no business supporting a media outlet, much less using taxpayer’s money to do so. I regard the ABC as an illegitimate organisation.