‘The (NZ) Herald pushes repugnant Muslim garbage’

The Conservative has a fine, angry post up about this dishonest propaganda being pushed down Kiwi’s throats.

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3 Responses to ‘The (NZ) Herald pushes repugnant Muslim garbage’

  1. Ronbo says:

    …and I wonder how many of these new New Zealand female Muslims are on welfare that increases with each baby :?:

    I’ll wager without the generous welfare state that provides free food, housing and medical care for no work would be a lot less popular with Muslims.

    There is a reason very few Muslims immigrated to the West when the welfare was not so generous as today.

    There is a lesson here…Don’t fed the parasites and they will go away.

    • dondiego says:

      N.Z has been rotting for some time. One example is “Uncle” Helen Clarke (last seen corrupting your American tax dollars at the U.N) wearing a muzzie headscarf for arabs, but not allowing Grace to be said at a meal with the Queen.

      Australia is more likely to purge/eradicate its vermin. N.Z they’ll organise a committe and have a meeting to delegate a representative to find someone who cares to whine to.


      • KG says:

        Oz is getting to be just as bad, DonD. In some places, at least.
        I sometimes think the country towns are on a separate planet to the cities.