NZ’s National Party is a joke,

a confidence trick and a scam, betraying every principle the party was founded on. John Key is New Zealand’s Tony Blair, and every bit as slimy.
‘National’s super-smart step to the left’

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6 Responses to NZ’s National Party is a joke,

  1. mawm says:

    It is the most political of political moves – essentially he has gone and offered election lollies to the all those teachers, i.e. the socialist PPTA, who have been road-blocking his National Standards programme. And what good socialist is going to turn down the chance of getting their snout in the trough. I guess that for every step he takes to the left Craig gets a handful of new votes.

  2. Urban Redneck says:

    Throwing money at “education” will achieve nothing in terms of better outcomes for the students. The curriculum is rotten, that needs to be fixed first and foremost above all else.

  3. KG says:

    In Australia and America, (and, I suspect, in NZ) pouring billions of extra dollars into education has seen standards drop.
    Teachers unions are very good at agitating for more teachers and more money.
    The “smaller classes, better outcomes” bullshit was discredited long ago, but still they get away with claiming it will improve outcomes.
    Rotten curricula and lousy teachers, undisciplined students and uninterested parents are a lot more important factors than money.

  4. the conservative says:

    And of course on OneNews tonight left-wing teachers were lapping it up.

    • KG says:

      Of course. If the left approves of what a supposedly “conservative” party is doing, then that party is not conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
      The left defines what the “middle ground” is, therefore it’s no middle ground at all, merely a soft-left position.

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    Won’t work with teachers. They are so hidebound they would keep voting labor if the nats doubled this pay and gave them a new beemer every year.

    It may well work with the silly wimmen who believe ‘it’s good for the children…’